Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
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Main article: Books (Skyrim)

Letter from the Jarl of Falkreath is a book in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


"Ah, a letter from the Jarl! Moving up in the world, eh?"

If the Dragonborn is not a Thane of Falkreath, this letter may be delivered after installing The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire. If the Dragonborn is Thane of Falkreath, they will receive a Letter from the Steward of Falkreath instead.


  • Delivered by a courier after Hearthfire is installed.


Build Your Own Home[]

Speak to the current Jarl of Falkreath. Depending on the civil war situation, this can be either Siddgeir or Dengeir of Stuhn. The Jarl will give the Dragonborn a radiant quest to kill a bandit leader, and allow them to purchase land in Falkreath Hold once this quest is complete. If the Dragonborn has not started on the path to becoming Thane of Falkreath, receiving this letter allows them to skip the quest "Rare Gifts" (fetching a drink for the Jarl) and progress immediately on to the second (killing a radiant bandit leader).


{player name},

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is {Siddgeir/Dengeir}, and I have the honor to be the Jarl of the proud and ancient city of Falkreath.

The fame of your exploits across Skyrim has brought you to my attention. If you are interested in becoming a Thane of Falkreath hold, I invite you to speak to me the next time you are in Falkreath. Aside from the honor that accrues to the title, my thanes are entitled to a personal housecarl. I also can tell you privately that a choice parcel of land in Falkreath would be available for your purchase should your services prove useful to me.

I look forward to meeting you in person.

I remain,

Jarl {Siddgeir/Dengeir} of Falkreath


  •  PS4   Receiving this letter before becoming Thane can automatically cause Siddgeir to treat the Dragonborn as friendly, and allow low value items to be taken from the Jarl's Longhouse for free without it being considered theft.


This book was taken from The Elder Scrolls series of video games or from websites created and owned by Bethesda Softworks, the copyright of which is held by Bethesda Softworks. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Bethesda Softworks, the inclusion of which implies no affiliation with The Elder Scrolls Wiki. The use of such images is believed to fall under the fair use doctrine of copyright law.