Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Miscellaneous Items (Morrowind)

A Limeware Bowl is a type of Dwarven limeware[1] in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. On Vvardenfell, it is a rare and valuable product imported by the East Empire Company through Ebonheart.


Trade restrictions[2] on certain exotic items including all sorts of dwarven limeware have made it difficult to buy and sell limeware bowls at all. Anybody willing to trade with this merchandise needs a trading license granted by the East Empire Company.[3] To obtain such a license seems to be difficult; according to Alarvyne Indalas, a trader of glasswork and pottery in Vivec City, this is because of the manipulation of the East Empire Company member Bolrin.





Liberate the Limeware[]

Due to the trade restrictions, the merchant Alarvyne Indalas has run short of dwarven limeware to sell in her store. She asks the Nerevarine to steal the wares from a shipment in Ebonheart. Apart from five limeware cups the same number of limeware bowls in the belly of the ship Chun-Ook are subject to this theft.



  1. Dialogue with Alarvyne Indalas
  2. Dialogue with Bolrin
  3. Dialogue with Alarvyne Indalas