Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For the armor, see Lord's Mail.

Lord's Mail is an Imperial Legion quest available in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.


Varus Vatinius has told me that in order to become a Knight of the Garland, I must prove my worth by returning two legendary artifacts to the Order. First, he would like me to return the Lord's Mail, which recently disappeared from the Shrine in the Imperial Commission in Ebonheart. He has given me the key and permission to inspect the Shrine.


  1. Talk to Varus Vatinius
  2. Go to the shrine beneath the Imperial Commission
  3. The wall on the right corner is locked with a level 90 lock, unlock it, and enter the door
  4. Follow the path until a crossing is found, turn left
  5. Kill Furius Acilius
  6. Return the Lord's Mail to Varus Vantinius


"The Lord's Mail is a cuirass, sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus. It has been kept in a Shrine on the lower level of the Imperial Commission here, but was recently stolen. Take this key. It will allow you entrance to the Shrine."
Varus Vantinius[src]
  1. Talk to Varus Vantinius, who is located in the Grand Council Chambers near Duke Vedam Dren.
  2. Go to the Imperial Commision and ask about the Lord's Mail.
  3. Go to the Imperial Guard Garrison and ask about the Lord's Mail.
  4. Go to the shrine located underneath the Imperial Commission.
  5. Unlock the wall in the corner on the right.
  6. Enter the door behind the wall.
  7. Follow the path behind the door until a crossing is found, turn left.
  8. Find and kill Furius Acilius.
  9. Return the Lord's Mail to Varus Vantinius.


Journal Entry
Varus Vatinius has told me that in order to become a Knight of the Garland, I must prove my worth by returning two legendary artifacts to the Order. First, he would like me to return the Lord's Mail, which recently disappeared from the Shrine in the Imperial Commission in Ebonheart. He has given me the key and permission to inspect the Shrine.
  • Quest accepted
I've found the Lord's Mail being held by Furius Acilius in a cave complex below Ebonheart. He apparently used a secret entrance to sneak into the Shrine and steal the mail.
I returned the Lord's Mail to Varus Vatinius.
The second artifact Varus wants me to bring him is the Paladin's Blade, Chrysamere. It is rumored to be in the possession of Draramu Hloran, a powerful sorcerer near Sadrith Mora.
I was told Draramu Hloran is in the Abanabi Caves, southwest of Sadrith Mora.
I have returned Chrysamere to Varus Vatinius, who was glad to have the powerful weapon returned to the Legion.
  • Quest completed

