Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I am Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak. How may I persist you?"
―Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak[src]

Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak is a family friend of Burz gro-Khash who needs the Hero's help when his beloved daughter, Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak, goes missing, in the quest "The Noble's Daughter."

Unlike many of the Orsimer met in the game, Lord Rugdumph is polite and charming, and is known for using big words incorrectly (a malaproper) when speaking.


The Noble's Daughter[]

Burz gro-Khash wants the Hero to help an old family friend of his, Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak, at Lord Rugdumph's Estate near Lake Arrius. Head there and talk to Lord Rugdumph. His daughter, Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak, has gone missing and must be found.


The Noble's Daughter[]

"Speaketh you on."
"Ah... you are from the Fighters Guild, I resume. Good show. I am Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak. Let us conversate on the Lady Rogbut."

Lady Rogbut "I fear that whilst out rock-picking, she was apprehensive. Stolen away! My suspension is that ogres have abjected her! Please search to the east of my sprawling abode. They have been known to vacate these premises. I am most gracious and truly woeful."
Lady Rogbut "Please, rescue my daughter from those brutes! I fear for her safe return!"
Ogres "Horrible creatures! Replete with horror and evil. They roam freely eastward of the estate. I look forward to you exterminizing them."
Lord Rugdumph "I am Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak. How may I persist you?"

"Precedeth most urgentlike."
(If approached again)
"How may I persist you? Please, I need you to find my daughter."
(When returning with Lady Rogbut)
"We is most pleased... eth... ified."
"You found my belabored daughter! I will tell Burz gro-Khash about your indentures! Take this. It has been passed in my family for many generators."
"Anon us most soon again, for sooth."
(If approached again)
"Words cannot express my gratification for your help."


Some of Lord Rugdumph's comments include:

  • "Let us conversate on the matter."
  • "My daughter has been apprehensive."
  • "Please search to the east of my sprawling abode. They have been known to vacate these premises. I am most gracious and truly woeful."
  • "Horrible creatures! Replete with horror and evil. They roam freely eastward of the estate. I look forward to you exterminizing them."
  • "Though I am replicant to spread rumors, I am led to believe the philogy of skeletous beings makes them resistive to magic." —When asked about rumors


