- For other uses, see Ma'jhad.
Ma'jhad is a Khajiit warrior who travels the roads of Skyrim.
He is found traveling alongside Ma'dran's caravan between Windhelm and Solitude. He, along with Ra'zhinda, serves as a guard for Ma'dran and his caravan. He may also train the Dragonborn in Lockpicking up to the Expert level. Ma'jhad is also a fence for the Thieves Guild.
- "The warm sand of Elsweyr is far away from here."
- "This one needs something?"
- "Do you seek to make a purchase?"
- "The wind blows bitter cold in this place."
- "We are creatures of the desert. The north wind chills us to the bones."
- "The longer we travel the roads of Skyrim, the more empty this land seems."
- "Khajiit welcomes you, and your coin."
- "The road makes this one weary."
- "Warm sands, friend. How may this one serve you?
- "The roads of Skyrim lead to many dangers."
- "How can I assist, hmm?"
- "Fortune smiles upon this meeting."
- "Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."
- "Welcome to you."
- "All right, but if you get arrested, don't blame it on me" – When asked for training in lockpicking.