Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For Madness Armor in Skyrim, see Madness Armor (Skyrim Creation Club Armor Set).

Madness Armor is one of the sets of armor added with The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles expansion. It is a set of heavy armor. It is forged from madness ore, which can be found in deposits in ruins on the Shivering Isles or as loot from dead Grummites.


The only person who can forge madness armor is Cutter. She is the Bosmer smith at Cutter's Weapons in Crucible. Forging each piece of the set requires an amount of madness ore:


Finding madness matrices will allow the armor to be imbued with a default enchantment.


The purity of the armor is based on level:

Level Quality
1–3 Impure
4–7 Lesser
8–11 Madness
12–16 Fine
17–22 Grand
23+ Perfect



Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments with Matrix Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 35 4.25 200 9.8 Fortify Athletics 2pts 009213C 009254F
Cuirass 135 10.75 400 32.5 Fortify Strength 2pts 009413F 0092555
Gauntlets 35 4.25 200 6.5 Fortify Blade 1pts
Fortify Blunt 1pts
0092140 0092560
Greaves 65 6.5 300 19.5 Fortify Endurance 2pts 0092173 0092572
Helmet 35 4.25 200 6.5 Fortify Willpower 2pts 009219D 0092577
Shield 65 12.75 300 13.0 Reflect Damage 5% 00921D0 0092580
Set 370 42.75 1600 87.8
  • Base Value refers to the value without factoring the effects of Mercantile skill or NPC disposition.
  • Base Armor refers to the armor rating of the piece without factoring the effects of the appropriate armor skill.


Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments with Matrix Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 80 4.75 325 11.3 Fortify Athletics 4pts 0092202 0092553
Cuirass 290 12.0 650 37.5 Fortify Strength 4pts 0092206 009255F
Gauntlets 80 4.75 325 7.5 Fortify Blade 2pts
Fortify Blunt 2pts
0092209 0092563
Greaves 145 7.25 490 22.5 Fortify Endurance 4pts 009221A 0092573
Helmet 80 4.75 325 7.5 Fortify Willpower 4pts 0092233 009257E
Shield 145 14.25 490 15.0 Reflect Damage 6% 009224F 0092581
Set 820 47.75 2605 101.3
  • Base Value refers to the value without factoring the effects of Mercantile skill or NPC disposition.
  • Base Armor refers to the armor rating of the piece without factoring the effects of the appropriate armor skill.


Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 190 5.25 500 12.8 Fortify Athletics 6pts 001F43E 001F45D
Cuirass 670 13.25 1000 42.5 Fortify Strength 6pts 001F43D 001F47A
Gauntlets 190 5.25 500 8.5 Fortify Blade 4pts
Fortify Blunt 4pts
001F43C 001F474
Greaves 335 8 750 25.5 Fortify Endurance 6pts 001F43B 001F46F
Helmet 190 5.25 500 8.5 Fortify Willpower 6pts 001F43A 001F469
Shield 335 15.75 750 17.0 Reflect Damage 7% 001F439 001F463
Set 1910 52.75 4000 114.8


This is the set worn by the Ghost Fanatic and Devoted Ghost Fanatic, near Vitharn where Count Cirion can be found. It is unobtainable except through the console.

Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Armor ID
Boots 0 4.5 250 10.5 006D611
Cuirass 0 11.25 500 35.0 006D613
Gauntlets 0 4.5 250 7.0 006D614
Greaves 0 6.75 375 21.0 006D615
Helmet 50 4.5 250 7.0 006D616
Shield 0 13.5 375 14.0 006D617
Set 50 45 2000 94.5


Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 400 5.75 775 14.6 Fortify Athletics 8pts 001F43F 001F47F
Cuirass 1420 14.5 1550 48.8 Fortify Strength 8pts 001F444 001F479
Gauntlets 400 5.75 775 9.8 Fortify Blade 6pts
Fortify Blunt 6pts
001F449 001F473
Greaves 710 8.75 1165 29.3 Fortify Endurance 8pts 001F44E 001F46E
Helmet 400 5.75 775 9.8 Fortify Willpower 8pts 001F453 001F468
Shield 710 17.25 1165 19.5 Reflect Damage 8% 001F458 001F462
Set 4040 57.75 6205 131.8
  • Base Value refers to the value without factoring the effects of Mercantile skill or NPC disposition.
  • Base Armor refers to the armor rating of the piece without factoring the effects of the appropriate armor skill.


Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 940 6.75 1150 16.9 Fortify Athletics 10pts 001F440 001F47E
Cuirass 3350 17.0 2300 56.3 Fortify Strength 10pts 001F445 001F478
Gauntlets 940 6.75 1150 11.3 Fortify Blade 8pts
Fortify Blunt 8pts
001F472 001F44A
Greaves 1675 10.25 1725 33.8 Fortify Endurance 10pts 001F44F 001F46D
Helmet 940 6.75 1150 11.0 Fortify Willpower 10pts 001F454 001F467
Shield 1675 20.25 1725 22.5 Reflect Damage 9% 001F45A 001F461
Set 9520 67.75 9200 151.8
  • Base Value refers to the value without factoring the effects of Mercantile skill or NPC disposition.
  • Base Armor refers to the armor rating of the piece without factoring the effects of the appropriate armor skill.


Armor Base ValueGold Base ArmorArmorIcon HealthHealth-icon WeightWeightIcon Enchantments Armor ID Enchanted ID
Boots 1545 8.0 1450 18.6 Fortify Athletics 12pts 001F441 001F47D
Cuirass 5525 19.75 2900 61.9 Fortify Strength 12pts 001F446 001F477
Gauntlets 1555 8.0 1450 12.4 Fortify Blade 10pts
Fortify Blunt 10pts
001F44B 001F4B6
Greaves 2915 11.75 2175 37.1 Fortify Endurance 12pts 001F450 001F46C
Helmet 1555 8.0 1450 12.4 Fortify Willpower 12pts 001F455 001F466
Shield 2915 23.75 2175 24.8 Reflect Damage 10% 001F459 001F460
Set 16010 79.25 11600 167.2
  • Base Value refers to the value without factoring the effects of Mercantile skill or NPC disposition.
  • Base Armor refers to the armor rating of the piece without factoring the effects of the appropriate armor skill.


See also[]

