- For other uses, see Gothren.
Magister Gothren is a Dunmer magister of House Telvanni, who will be found at Tel Aruhn on Vvardenfell. His Mouth is Ralasa Delvi. He serves as the primary antagonist of the House Telvanni questline in the Online: Morrowind chapter.
Objections and Obstacles[]
Sun-in-Shadow asks the Outlander to help gain Magister Gothren's trust and get rid of his mouth, Ralasa Delvi.
The Magister Makes a Move[]
Vexed at the death of his Mouth, Magister Gothren kidnaps Sun-in-Shadow and tasks the Outlander with retrieving Magister Otheri's research notes to make things even.
- The Magister Makes a Move
In Tel Aruhn:
"Ah, the murderer appears. I should thank you for saving me the trouble of hunting you down. Watching you peasants struggle against the inevitable is exhausting."
- Why did you imprison Sun-in-Shadow? "Don't waste my time with flimsy pretense. Did you really think you could kill my Mouth and get away with it? I see all. Your clumsy intrigue is no exception. If you wish to save your life and that of your friend, you will perform a task for me."
- What do you want me to do? "Magister Otheri made a discovery some weeks ago—a relic, or some Dwarven device perhaps. He refuses to share the details, so I am compelled to take those details by force. Steal his notes from Tel Naga and deliver them to my new Mouth, Arith."
- And if I refuse? "Magisters care little for the limits of morality—me least of all. I try to avoid turning people into shambling masses of screeching tumors, but in this case I could make an exception. At the very least your scaled friend will die in chains."
- When I bring back the notes, we're even? You'll release Sun-in-Shadow? "That depends on what information you retrieve. If it's useful, we can discuss the terms of the lizard's freedom. That's as much of a promise as you'll get from me. Be grateful I am giving you a chance to rectify the wrong you've done me."
- What do you want me to do? "Magister Otheri made a discovery some weeks ago—a relic, or some Dwarven device perhaps. He refuses to share the details, so I am compelled to take those details by force. Steal his notes from Tel Naga and deliver them to my new Mouth, Arith."
In Sadrith Mora:
"You retrieved the journal. That was competent."
- Arith has it. "Ah yes, this is Otheri's journal. His penmanship has gotten even worse. So it's a Dwarven artifact then? A merged tonal prism? My, my, that does sound intriguing. Seems he tucked it away in his kwama mine, Zalkin-Sul. You will fetch it for me."
- You said you'd set Sun-in-Shadow free once I brought you the journal. "I said nothing of the sort. If your work pleases me, I may deign to release your friend and forget your misdeeds. But make no mistake, n'wah—I've given you no word to keep. Go to Zalkin-Sul, acquire the prism, then bring it to me in Tel Aruhn."
- Fine. I'll bring you the prism, then we're even.
- You said you'd set Sun-in-Shadow free once I brought you the journal. "I said nothing of the sort. If your work pleases me, I may deign to release your friend and forget your misdeeds. But make no mistake, n'wah—I've given you no word to keep. Go to Zalkin-Sul, acquire the prism, then bring it to me in Tel Aruhn."
Upon returning from Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine:
"Ugh. What's that I smell? Grease and kwama dung? Let's make this quick, n'wah. I won't have you soiling my rugs any longer than necessary. The prism. Do you have it?"
- I have it here. "Well that is a surprise. I do hope this isn't some cheap forgery, for your sake. Ah. Some kind of merged tonal prism. A lively one too. Fascinating. I do hope that fool Otheri didn't damage it. He's almost as clumsy as you."
- All right, enough. We're even. Free Sun-in-Shadow and we'll leave. "Vehk's head, do you still labor under the delusion that you have some power in this place? Bah—it's hardly worth discussing. I've grown tired of our little chats. You completed the task I set before you. You can have your lizard back."
- Good. Farewell.
- All right, enough. We're even. Free Sun-in-Shadow and we'll leave. "Vehk's head, do you still labor under the delusion that you have some power in this place? Bah—it's hardly worth discussing. I've grown tired of our little chats. You completed the task I set before you. You can have your lizard back."
- Objections and Obstacles
Magister Gothren: "Arith, Giravel, I've had enough of your excuses. Ralasa made your task plain. Find those thieves!" Arith Sendrul: "I'm sorry, Magister. It will be done." Magister Gothren: "Whatever it is you want, talk to my cringing assistant."
- The Magister Makes a Move
Sun-in-Shadow: "I am a free mage of House Telvanni. You had no right to imprison me!" Magister Gothren: "You presume to lecture me? You who conspired to kill my servant? Thank whatever scaly gods you worship that I didn't rend the flesh off your back and feed you to the tower's roots! Cross me again, and your life is forfeit. We're done here. Begone."
- The Magister Makes a Move
- "Eminently predictable, you and your lizard cohort." – When approached
- ""Well [sic] [Do not change this to Well. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.], it's about time. Come, servant." [sic] [Do not change this to servant.. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.]" – When his apparition appears in Sadrith Mora
- "You didn't get yourself killed. That's promising." – Upon returning from Zalkin-Sul
- Gothren previously appeared in Morrowind, at which point he had become the archmagister of the House.
- He respects courage and candor, according to his newly appointed Mouth, Arith Sendrul.
- If you speak to Sun-in-Shadow after the events of "The Heart of a Telvanni," she reports that Magister Gothren was furious at the loss of his slaves and slave master Arenim but, being unpopular with his peers, received little more than empty platitudes from the rest of the council.