Malkur Valos is a powerful Dunmer mage and the only child of the wizard Maros Valos in The Elder Scrolls Online. During the assault of Coldharbour, he was deposited in the Court of Contempt after entering the portal on Stirk, where he was captured by the Dremora until he escaped with the help of the Vestige.
When Malkur's mother died in childbirth, his father Maros summoned a Golden Saint to protect and care for his son. Maros was killed in a mage's duel and Malkur's Daedric protector honored her commitment to the infant by taking him to Lord Sheogorath's realm.
The son of a powerful Dunmer wizard, Malkur is naturally gifted in the arcane arts and shares the distrusting, disdainful temperament of his race. Under the tutelage of the Aureals, Malkur acquired steadfast principles of honor, duty, and fidelity to his word. The inescapable influence of the Shivering Isles imbued him with a measure of unpredictability in his methods.
Eventually, Malkur was drawn to return to his native Tamriel, where his talent, honor, and innovation soon caught the attention of Vanus Galerion. When Malkur swore to uphold the principles and objectives of the Mages Guild, those principles and objectives became the unwavering core driving his every action, though that was not always apparent to superficial observers. He also assisted the guild in their attack on Coldharbour with the Fighters Guild.
Hall of Judgment[]
The Vestige encounters Malkur outside Molag Bal's Hall of Judgement where Judge Xiven holds trial over captured Mages Guild Members.
At the start of the quest:
"I arrived with a few other wizards. Conjuration masters. We helped open the portal to Coldharbour. Unfortunately, we didn't arrive where we expected. A defensive countermeasure, I think. Molag Bal's forces were upon us in an instant."
- Where are the others? "They were captured by Daedra led by Judge Xiven. In the confusion, I managed to slip away. I've been scouting around in scamp-form ever since. The mages are on trial inside the Hall of Judgment. I could hear Judge Xiven shouting at them. We must help them!"
- I'll help. Where do we start? "A magical barrier shields the entryway to the hall. It's powered by elemental crystals. We must destroy the crystals and collect a key to open the gate. You must hurry. Daedric justice can be swift."
- I'll take care of it. "Collect the gate key from the coffer to the north and destroy the three crystals to bring down the barrier. There's one crystal in each tower. Meet me near the Hall of Judgment's entrance when you're done. I'll continue scouting until then."
- Who are you, exactly? "Mages Guild warlock and master conjurer, at your service. I'm an expert on the planes of Oblivion, so I was an obvious choice to undertake this mission. I was raised on the Shivering Isles, so I am intimately familiar with Oblivion."
- Why were you disguised as a scamp? "A trick I picked up. Made it easier to get around the Shivering Isles. I was using it to scout the area when I saw you approaching. Some consider my methods unorthodox, but the results speak for themselves. I certainly wasn't captured by the Daedra."
- Isn't the Shivering Isles in Oblivion? "My, nothing gets past you, does it? Though I was born on your world, I grew up in Oblivion. It gives me a rather unique perspective that the Mages Guild often makes use of."
- What else can you tell me about the imprisoned mages? "Judge Xiven has them on trial in the Hall of Judgment. From what I've been able to overhear, it isn't going well for them. To get inside, we need to bring down that barrier. Then the mages and I can get back to the mission that brought us here."
- So I need to destroy the crystals? "The three elemental crystals, yes. But more than that. We also need a key to open the locked gate. I saw them place the gate key in a guarded coffer in the northern section of the ruins."
- Who are you, exactly? "Mages Guild warlock and master conjurer, at your service. I'm an expert on the planes of Oblivion, so I was an obvious choice to undertake this mission. I was raised on the Shivering Isles, so I am intimately familiar with Oblivion."
- I'll take care of it. "Collect the gate key from the coffer to the north and destroy the three crystals to bring down the barrier. There's one crystal in each tower. Meet me near the Hall of Judgment's entrance when you're done. I'll continue scouting until then."
- I'll help. Where do we start? "A magical barrier shields the entryway to the hall. It's powered by elemental crystals. We must destroy the crystals and collect a key to open the gate. You must hurry. Daedric justice can be swift."
In front of the Hall of Judgment:
"The trial is over. Judge Xiven found my companions guilty and sentenced them to death. They were taken to the cells below the hall while preparations are made for the execution. I'm working on a distraction to cover our escape. Did you find the key?"
- Tell me about your mission. "Is this really the time for idle chit-chat? Oh, very well. We are master conjurers. Our job is to stabilize the portals so that more forces and supplies can be brought from Nirn. Until we do that, our troops will be at a distinct disadvantage here."
- I have the key. Let's rescue the mages. "An excellent suggestion. There's no time to waste. Let's get inside and free the others."
- Let's go rescue the mages.
After escaping from the Court of Contempt:
"We fought well, didn't we? I think we might just have a chance at turning this disaster into a successful operation."
- You can make it to the Hollow City from here? "We've opened a portal to the city. Feel free to use it, if you want. We're in your debt. Without your help, the others would still be locked away—or worse. We'll get to safety and begin stabilizing the portals to Nirn right away."
After freeing the prisoners, in the Hall of Judgment:
Malkur Valos: "They cast a shield spell on the gate! We're trapped!" Tarrami: "We'll deal with the gate. Just keep them away from us until we're done."
After slaying Judge Xiven:
Malkur Valos: "You've been judged and found wanting, Xiven!" Tarrami: "Enough fun and games. Let's get out of here."
- "Oh, good. A guard. And I thought this was going to be boring." – Before facing Magistrate Bogtro
- "Excellent! Head down to the holding cells and free my companions. I'll guard our way out of here." – After slaying Magistrate Bogtro
- "The diversion I set up is working. Hurry before the Daedra notice and come after us!" – After escaping the Hall of Judgment
- "All right, let's head out. We've got portals to stabilize, you know!" – After finishing "Hall of Judgment"
- Malkur Valos was a name chosen from over 5,700 entries in 'the nameless Mage contest' by Zenimax Online Studios.[1][2]
- Malkur Valos also appears in The Improved Imperial Guide to Tamriel.