Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Marandus.

Marandus is an ancient stronghold. It is located north of Vivec City and east of Balmora. It is controlled by House Redoran and occupied by rogue Redorans. If the Nerevarine is a high-ranking member of House Redoran, these characters will be friendly, otherwise they will be hostile.


Marandus Lower level[]

After walking through a long corridor one first arrives at a room with just a few benches and a door leading to the upper level. The next room is a sleeping area with beds, tables and chairs. On the chest of drawers lies a scroll and some Gold. There is also one small chest and an old chest in the room. Both are locked. On the shelfs are miscellaneous utensils.

The last room on this level is larger and have more beds and seating for the occupants. A few more chests and on one of the chest of drawers one can find some valuables. On another chest are more Gold, an amulet and a scroll.

Marandus Upper level[]

On the upper level are four rooms, three smaller and one larger. A door leads to the upper courtyard.

In the first two rooms, there are beds, chests, and tables for the occupants. Here one will find the healer Driloru and on her table are a few ingredients, scrolls, potions and a greater soul gem.

In the third room is only one bed and here one can find Doryno Verendas. Some Gold and a lute can be found here. In the last room on this level, there are rats and the furniture is all knocked about.

Marandus Dome[]

Inside the dome are a bed, a few chairs, and a table. Three baskets and utensils on some shelves along with two bottles of skooma. A potion and a soul gem can also be found.

Marandus Propylon Chamber[]

Inside are two columns, Telasero and Hlormaren Propylon. A few containers and a couple of rats.



