Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Marius.
"I am proud of my family's tradition of service to Leyawiin and its people. We face many challenges, but Gods willing, we shall prevail."
―Marius Caro[src]

Marius Caro is the Count of Leyawiin. He is married to Countess Alessia Caro, who is also the daughter of Countess Arriana Valga of Chorrol.


Marius has little trust in outsiders, and feels that Leyawiin is, and has, stood on its own. He goes as far as saying that the Elder Council doesn't care for the safety of the empire, and leaves the provinces to fend for themselves.

During the Oblivion Crisis, he makes it clear that he has little hope of help coming from the outside, and that it will be up to Leyawiin to see to its own survival. If the Oblivion Gate outside his city is closed, he will be willing to send troops to Bruma.

Marius funded the knightly order of the Knights of the White Stallion as a way to reward and honor free adventurers who perform noteworthy services for County Leyawiin.

He offers a bounty of a hundred septims for each Black Bow given to him as proof of the death of a member of the Black Bow Bandits.


Allies for Bruma[]

Bruma needs support from the counties of Cyrodiil to defend itself against the Great Gate.

Mazoga the Orc[]

Aid the count in discovering who Mazoga is and why she is in Leyawiin.

Knights of the White Stallion[]

Aid the count in slaying Black Brugo and become a Knight-Errant of the Knights of the White Stallion.


"Marius Caro, by grace of the Nine, Count Leyawiin. You are a stranger to me, but well-met. Perhaps you would like to do a service for County Leyawiin?"

Buy a house in town "There happens to be a small home for sale in the middle of town. It's a quaint building, small but tidy."
You're asking 7000 gold? Done. "Very well. I'll have my steward register the deed of ownership. Here is your key. It's a modest home in the center of town. It's a might devoid of furnishings, so you may want to pay a visit to Gundalas at Best Goods and Guarantees. He can fix you up."
I don't think I'm ready to buy. "Then stop wasting my time."
7000 gold is too much for me. "I doubt it will sell anytime soon. If you manage to raise that much, come see me again."
Leyawiin "I am proud of my family's tradition of service to Leyawiin and its people. We face many challenges, but Gods willing, we shall prevail."
Show: Allies for Bruma
Inside Castle Leyawiin:

"I'm sure you have many pressing affairs. I won't keep you."

Aid for Bruma "Leyawiin is beset by enemies. The Empire does nothing to help us. Even before this crisis, I did not have enough men to patrol my borders. Now, daedra are pouring out of an Oblivion Gate on our very doorstep! No, I don't have any men to spare. Bruma will have to look to its own defense."
Chancellor Ocato "He and the rest of the Elder Council care nothing for Cyrodiil. They focus obsessively on the provinces, leaving us to fend for ourselves."
Leyawiin "Our only hope to weather this Oblivion invasion is to defend our walls and be damned to what happens outside them."

(After closing the Gate)
"I'm sure you have many pressing affairs. I won't keep you."

Aid for Bruma "Well, with the Oblivion Gate near Leyawiin closed, I suppose the immediate threat is lessened. I will do as you ask. Let no one say Leyawiin did not do its part to uphold the Empire."
Aid for Bruma "I have given you the help you asked for, Bruma's fate is out of my hands."
Show: Mazoga the Orc
Inside Castle Leyawiin:

"I'm sure you have many pressing affairs. I won't keep you."

Service to Leyawiin "I need your help. An Orc named Mazoga here claims to be a knight, but will not reveal her business. Find out why she is here, and report to me, and you will earn a reward suitable for those who serve Leyawiin."
Service to Leyawiin "Did you find out why the Orc is here?"
Not yet. "Then I await your report."

"Prompt attention to this matter will be rewarded."

After talking to Mazoga:

"I hope you've been successful?"

Service to Leyawiin "Did you find out why the Orc is here?"
She wants Weebam-Na. "Then you will get Weebam-Na for her. The Argonian is a well-known hunter; he has a house in town."

After Weebam-Na refuses:

"I hope you've been successful?"

Service to Leyawiin "Did you find out why the Orc is here?"
Weebam-Na refused. "Then you must persuade him."

After Mazoga says she wants to go to Fisherman's Rock:

"I hope you've been successful?"

Service to Leyawiin "Did you find out why the Orc is here?"
She wants to go to Fisherman's Rock. "Then guide her to Fisherman's Rock. Please."

If Mazoga died:

"I'm sure you have many pressing affairs. I won't keep you."

Service to Leyawiin "I hold you responsible for Mazoga's death. Your disappointing performance proves you are not suited for service to County Leyawiin."
Show: Knights of the White Stallion
Inside Castle Leyawiin:

"I hope you've been successful?"

Service to Leyawiin "Have you learned why the Orc is here?"
To avenge a murdered friend. "Such vengeance is a noble deed. Leyawiin thanks you for your service. And I have a fitting reward for such noble deeds. I address my offer to you and your friend. Would you like to become knights-errant?"
Knight-Errant "I have created a chivalric Order of the White Stallion. Find and kill the leader of the Black Bow Bandits, the Orc named Black Brugo. If you succeed, I will bestow on both you and Mazoga the titles of Knight-Errant of the White Stallion for your service to Leyawiin."
Black Brugo "The outlaw, Black Brugo, is a menace to County Leyawiin. They call his marauders 'Black Bow Bandits' because they use black bows. Find Black Brugo, and execute him for his crimes, and I will make both you and your friend Mazoga Knights-Errant of the White Stallion."
How shall we locate Black Brugo? "In her shadowy past, your friend Mazoga might have had contact with outlaws. Ask her."
Black Brugo "What news do you have of Black Brugo?"
None yet. "Then you'll be eager to be on your way. I won't keep you."

"Remember. A knight's title shall be your reward."

After speaking to Mazoga:

"I hope you are here to tell me of Black Brugo's death."

Black Brugo "What news do you have of Black Brugo?"
I know where to find him. "Then it is only a matter of time? I await your report."

After slaying Black Brugo:

"I hope you are here to tell me of Black Brugo's death."

Black Brugo "What news do you have of Black Brugo?"
Black Brugo is dead. "Justice has been done. And henceforth, Mazoga and you shall be known as Knights of the White Stallion. May I present you with the perquisites of your rank... a key to White Stallion Lodge and a shield bearing the arms of County Leyawiin. Mazoga's key and shield shall be delivered to her directly. And I promise you a bounty of 100 gold for each Black Bow you bring me."
Black Bows "Each Black Bow you bring me means another Black Bow Bandit slain."

"Good day, Sir Knight."

If approached again:

"How are you faring in your campaign against the remnants of the Black Bow Bandits, Sir Knight?"

Black Bows "I see you have a Black Bow. Would you like to turn it in for the bounty?"
No, thank you. "Very well. You may bring it to me at any time and receive your reward."
Yes, thank you. (If more than one Black Bow is acquired) "Here is your reward. And this other Black Bow? Would you like to turn it in as well?"
Yes, thank you. "Here is your reward. Well done, and thank you."


  • "I guarantee generous rewards to those adventurers who serve County Leyawiin." — After hearing about the possibility of becoming a Knight-Errant


