Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Mephala.

Mephala (Daedric: Daedric MDaedric EDaedric PDaedric HDaedric ADaedric LDaedric A) is one of the Daedric Princes and a member of the Triad who leads the Court of Bedlam, along with Clavicus Vile and Nocturnal in The Elder Scrolls Online and Summerset.

She is worshipped by the Spider Cult and several other cults, such as the Court of Bedlam.[?]


A Marriage in Ruins[]


The Arbordawn Cult[]

Mephala has been manipulationg the Arbordawn Cult to become crazed fanatics.

Edge of Darkness[]


Lost in TranslationSM[]


A Necessary AllianceSM[]


The Crystal TowerSM[]



Show: A Marriage in Ruins

"Oh, yes, come closer …. Hmm … how strong you look with my minion's blood on your hands …."

Who are you? "Hmm … I would have thought someone as mighty and well-traveled as you might already know. I am Mephala, The Lady of Whispers."
What are you doing here? "A fair question. I don't often come to greet those who would slay my servants. But you … oh, there's something different about you. The scarred wrists of a Coldharbour slave, yet such a regal bearing …."
What was Anexiel trying to do? "Trying to do? Oh no. You strong, beautiful fool. Do you think she failed? A marriage ruined, a sister slain, souls lost, families broken … And to think―all of this began with a wayward goat. What a gorgeous and horrifying tapestry."
So there was no greater plot? "What a predictably mortal question. Small, great … the same. Each thread tugs the other. Petty jealousy, an unintended slight, dog-like lusts … these are the things that bring empires to ruin. Think on this, my dear. I'll be watching."
Show: The Arbordawn Cult

"Ahh, such a lovely warmth against the temple stones. So good to smell pumping blood in these halls again."

Mephala, I presume? "I am as the Artificer named me. Mephala. Webspinner, debaser, and consumer. Have you enjoyed sparring with my newest Deathweavers?"
The Arbordawn cultists? "Nothing like an empty mind, waiting, yearning for purpose. The lost city, the lost Faithful, the great Artificer, all tremble in the web of Mephala."
What's that supposed to mean? "I have no answers for you, child. None that would satisfy you, anyway. Now, take your Artificer and go. The temple doors are open. You've done your part here today."
Done my part?

[?] [?]


The Arbordawn Cult

In the Inner Temple:

Mephala: "Ahh …. Welcome to my web, mortals." Telenger the Artificer: "Mephala! A Daedric Prince herself in these tunnels! I should have known." Mephala: "Do be quiet, Artificer. Your companion is far more intriguing. Come, child. Speak with me." Telenger the Artificer: "Trust nothing she says, assistant."

While Telenger the Artificer is sealing the temple:

Telenger the Artificer: "This should be the work of a moment. Just need to attune this spell matrix …. Mephala! You face Telenger the Artificer! Learn what it means to snare one such as me in your web!" Mephala: "No! How dare you, mortal?" Telenger the Artificer: "I am the Artificer, madam! That's why I dare!"


A Marriage in Ruins
  • "Another thread cut, yet the loom spins on." – After Anexiel's death
  • "And now you think yourself free of the web. What a delightful fiction …."
  • "The lost city, the Artificer, all tremble in the web of Mephala."


