- "I think I'll do just fine. I'm a natural. Finder's keepers, right? And I'm a pretty good finder."
- ―Methredhel[src]
Methredhel is a Bosmer archer and Thieves Guild member who lives in her home in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City.
If the Hero wants to join the Thieves Guild, Methredhel is one of the adversaries, along with Amusei, in a race for Amantius Allectus' diary.
She gives messages to begin quests for the Gray Fox, along with giving directions in the "Misdirection" and "The Elven Maiden" quests. Carwen and Adanrel live in Methredhel's house.
May the Best Thief Win[]
The Hero needs to prove their worth as a thief by stealing a diary from a house in the city. The twist is that they have two competitors who also wish to join the guild.
The Elven Maiden[]
The Thieves Guild has a need to "acquire" Llathasa's Bust from her tomb. While the job looks simple, it has more to it than a simple theft.
Because of the recent events, Hieronymus Lex has pulled guards from all over the Imperial City to the Waterfront in an attempt to root out members of the guild including the Gray Fox.
Turning a Blind Eye[]
Methredhel or Amusei appear in any major city with a message from the Gray Fox. The cowl-wearing leader resides in Helvius Cecia's House in Bruma.
Show: Finding the Thieves Guild |
At the Imperial City Waterfront:
"So you are looking for the Thieves Guild as well. Armand Christophe will decide who is worthy and who is not. I've been preparing to join the guild for years. If you're nice to me, maybe I'll show you a few tricks." "Don't try to slow me down. I'm going to get that diary before you." After obtaining the diary: "Thief! You stole that diary from me. Now I have to wait to get into the guild." |
Show: The Elven Maiden |
At the Imperial City Waterfront:
"Thank goodness I found you. I assume you know that Hieronymus Lex has issued an arrest warrant for Armand Christophe."
"Shadow hide you." If approached again: "I'm rather busy on a... I'm busy. What do you need?" |
Show: Misdirection |
Inside Dynari Amnis' House:
"Welcome to my hideout."
"Shadow hide you." After stealing the staff: "A string of thefts should do the trick."
"Shadow hide you." After Lex has ordered his troops away: "I'm glad you're here. We have work to do."
"Shadow hide you." |
Show: Turning a Blind Eye |
At the Imperial City Waterfront:
"I have a message for you from the Gray Fox."
Armand Christophe: "The Thieves Guild is not a myth. We are followers of the Gray Fox, and I am his Doyen. Merely by finding me, you have passed the first test. It's unusual for us to have three potential recruits at the same time. Rather than the normal test of skill, I'm going to make this a contest." Amusei: "That's not fair!" Armand Christophe: "Methredhel, you know the rules. However, for Amusei and the newcomer, let me state them clearly. Whoever brings me the diary of Amantius Allectus, without killing him, will be invited into the guild." Methredhel: "Hah! I'll have it before sunrise!" Armand Christophe: "It's somewhere in the Imperial City. The beggars will help you locate it, for a price. I can sell you lockpicks if you need them. One more thing. You cannot kill each other during this trial. We may be thieves, but we're not murderers."
- "My name is Methredhel. I've come to the Imperial City to make my fortune."
- "I understand old Dovyn Aren can still teach a bit about Alteration."