Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Dratha.
"The powers of Oblivion hold no great mysteries for mages like me, and House Telvanni has no time for folklore and childish superstitions."
―Mistress Dratha[src]

Mistress Dratha is a Dunmer magister of House Telvanni, who lives in her tower at Tel Mora on Vvardenfell. She previously had control over Vos, but was replaced by Savarak Fels, who is now trying to control her Telvanni tower as well. Her mouth is Llayne Sadri.


Reclaiming Vos[]

Mistress Dratha has been poisoned by Savarak Fels so that he can take over Vos.

At Any Cost[]

Mistress Dratha's recent brush with death has prompted her to research ways to prolong life indefinitely.


Vos Objective: Reclaiming Vos
Dratha will be lying incapacitated in her bed, muttering the following:

When she regains her strength later on, she will say to you:

"Llayne tells me I have you to thank for unearthing Savarak's plot on my life. Interesting. Speak with her. She'll make sure you are properly rewarded. Then we can determine if you might be of further use."

Side Quest: At Any Cost

"Let me get a better look at you. Hmm. Your eyes are wrong, but your palms seem clean enough... I have a task for you. If you succeed, you'll earn the favor of a Telvanni councilor and a treasure from my vault. Is this agreeable?"

Maybe. What is it you want? "In all my long years, the thought of death has rarely troubled me. But thanks to Savarak, I've gained new perspective. My illness took me to the brink of the void. The tip of the scythe. Someday I may welcome death, but for now, steps must be taken."
What kind of steps? "I find that people lead much happier lives when they don't trouble themselves with details. Now, Vvardenfell is littered with Daedric shrines. Seven of these shrines contain powerful magicked stones. You must find these stones and bring them to me."
All right. I'll keep an eye out for these stones. "The task I've set before you won't be easy. These shrines lie near and far. Some are little more than piles of brickwork, while others extend deep underground. Even so, I'm confident you'll find what I'm looking for—the Stones of Cold Fire."
What exactly are these Stones of Cold Fire? "So you're a scholar as well? I certainly wouldn't have predicted that. Before the Tribunal showed up, we Dunmer worshiped the Daedra. They raised no small amount of havoc, but they also left us valuable gifts. Gifts like the stones."
What do the stones do? "Nothing, until they rest side by side. If a mage manages to wake all seven, well … let's just say their powers of persuasion are put to the test."
Aren't you worried about using Daedric relics? "Of course not. Why should I be? The powers of Oblivion hold no great mysteries for mages like me, and House Telvanni has no time for folklore and childish superstitions. What's the point of power left unclaimed?"
Do you have any plans for Vos now that Savarak is dead? "Plans? No, of course not. I'll leave them to their business just as I always have."
But the people seemed so anxious for your return. "I'm sure they did. You'd like an explanation, wouldn't you? Fine. You want to earn people's love? Here's the secret—just leave them alone. Treat them like adults, even when they act like children. The rest takes care of itself."
So that's it? You just leave them alone? "Yes. Believe me, it's a rare and wonderful thing to live under the protection of a disinterested ruler. Self-determination. It'll be all the rage in a millennium or two, I guarantee it. Now, are we finished? I need those stones."

"Hmm. Looks like the Daedra certainly put you through your paces. How did you fare? Do you have the stones I asked for?"

Yes. I have the stones right here. "Good. My dear Llayne chooses her allies well. I'll prepare the stones, but one task remains. You might be equal to the challenge..."
What more do you need? "I must call on a particularly shrewd Dremora named Xykenaz. He refuses all summons, so we'll have to use... less pleasant means of negotiation. I'll send you to his home plane. Go there, weaken him, and I'll draw you both back to Nirn."
Wait. You want me to bring a Dremora here? Why would I do that? "Surely an adventurer of your stature isn't frightened of a single Dremora? Summoning Daedra is no more dangerous than taming bears―and even dull-witted Orcs can do that. It's quite safe. I'll send it away as soon as our business is concluded."
I'll think about it. "I hope you'll keep those deliberations brief. I'm opening the path now. When you stand ready to face Xykenaz, simply enter the portal. And don't worry, I'll make sure you have a way back to the other side. I always keep my promises."

"The portal will lead you to Xykenaz's chamber. Keep your wits, child. There's more to this creature than meets the eye."



  • "The Sharmat... lurking. Waiting. Curses beneath the mountain... Hear me, Incarnate! Hear me."
  • "Not now... not yet. The fire. The unmourned house. Must... be ready."
  • "Hortator and Incarnate... must rise. I have to prepare. I have to..."
  • "I envy your youth. I might have found some way to rob or deceive a weakened benefactor, but not you. It's just on to the next adventure."


