Moesring Pass is a mountain pass due northwest of the Temple of Miraak, inhabited by rieklings guarding the nearby strange vessel.
Strange Vessel[]
The remains of what appears to be a Dwemer shipwreck or crashed airship. There are two chests inside, one of an Ancient Nordic design.
Shalidor's Insights[]
Possible quest location.
Rings of Blood Magic[]
The Ring of the Erudite may be found in Moesring Pass.
Notable items[]
- An East Empire Company Strongbox is sitting on top of an end table flipped on its side that is outside the door of the strange vessel to the right past the moose head.
- Shalidor's Insights, in the strange vessel.
- There is a Fork sitting on top of a barrel next to the Rieklings tent and campfire, it can be equipped for use as a weapon.
- There is a capsized ship in the pass which appears to be The Patchwork Airship from The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon.
- There is a flag at the top of the mountain, where a non-hostile snow bear may spawn.
- This is supposedly the area where the last battle between the Nords and the Snow Elves took place.[1]
- Directly northeast of the Pass, just past the last riekling buildings, is a corundum ore vein, silver ore vein, and two sapphire geodes.