Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Narir is a Nord working at Shor's Stone's mine, the Rift, in The Elder Scrolls Online. Following the reachmen attack on the village, he decides to join The Companions. He is encountered again at Taarengrav and Trolhetta afterwards.


Move out Miners[]


To Taarengrav[]


The Shackled Guardian[]


Names of the Fallen[]



Show: Move out Miners

"I don't want to die down here. What will my brother do without me?"

Hold on, I'll get you free. "I've got to get out of here. Got to find my brother."
Go, find him.
Show: To Taarengrav

"My friend, I'm glad to see you again. We could have used you here."

What happened here? "The Worm Cult has made a mess of this dig site. We arrived in time to blunt their first assault, but they'll be back. I don't know if we'll live through another one, but I won't abandon these people."
Show: The Shackled Guardian

"My friend, I'm glad to see you again. We could have used you here."

I'm here to help. "In that case, I'll take any help I can get.
We tracked the Worms from Stony Basin. Got here just ahead of them. I guess that's why some of the delvers still live. And a few of my men."
Why did the cult attack a ruin? "The delvers found an ancient puzzle and gathered notes about it - clues. The Worms killed the delvers to get their notes. Whatever they're after, we can't let them get it.
Save who you can, but we need those notes."
I'll take care of it. "The Worms won't stand a chance. I hope some of my men still live down there."
Tell me more about the ruin and the Worm Cult's purpose here. "We know precious little about their plans, other than we have to stop them. But I'll tell you what I know."
You mentioned a puzzle. What's it like? "Doors. Lots and lots of doors. With some old runes above them, the kind you see at these mounds. We tried lots of them, but they never seemed to lead anywhere."
What do the cultists want down here? "I'm not entirely sure. That pretty delver, Kireth. She translated some of the old runes and we got to talking. I wonder if she's all right?
Anyway, she said the runes talked about a guardian. Something or someone powerful."
What is this place? "It's a Dragon mound. The old Dragon cult used to do horrible things here. So goes the legends, anyway. The dusty old bastards still walk around down there, too. Protect their old secrets."
Show: Names of the Fallen

"We must not forget the names of our valiant fallen.

I've collected amulets from the bodies of fallen Pact soldiers. "I'll make sure the families of the fallen get these. It should give them some closure at least."


  • "I need to get out of here. Those shamans are looking for some long-dead monster!" – During "Move out Miners"

