Narwende is an Altmer residing in Seyda Neen on Vvardenfell. She may also be found in Saint Delyn's Inn in the Saint Delyn Waistworks in Vivec City. She has no unique dialogue.
Divine Conundrum[]
After Azura has finished possessing Tanisa Drothan, who is standing beside her, Narwende will kneel down to check to see if she is alright.
- Divine Conundrum
Narwende: "Tanisa! What's wrong? Someone, help!" Novor Sarothan: "By the Three! First a wounded Armiger, now this!" Azura: "By dawn and dusk, evil creeps through the shadows of my beloved Vvardenfell! But an outlander arrives to aid my people, just as I have foreseen." Narwende: "Those words, what do they mean?" Tanisa Drothan: "What … what happened?" Narwende: "Merciful Azura! The Mother Soul spoke through you. It's a miracle!"