Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Necromantic Grimoire is a Creation Club content in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Alternatively the content was usually acquired with 100 Credits icon.


The following creatures have been added:

  • Ancient Deathpriest
  • Bone Colossus
  • Cursed Spectre
  • Haunting Spirit
  • Skeleton Champion
  • Skeleton Marksman
  • Skeleton Minion
  • Skeleton Warlock
  • Sundered Shade
  • Tomb Guardian
  • Tortured Shade
  • Undying Ghost


The following characters have been added:


The following items have been added:


  • Ascendant Necromancer Hood
  • Ascendant Necromancer Robes
  • Elite Necromancer Hood
  • Elite Necromancer Robes
  • Haunting Spirit Hood
  • Masked Necromancer Hood
  • Necromancer Hood
  • Necromancer Hood of Eminent Magicka
  • Necromancer Hood of Extreme Magicka
  • Necromancer Hood of Magicka
  • Necromancer Hood of Major Magicka
  • Necromancer Robes of Quickening
  • Necromancer Robes of Recharging
  • Necromancer Robes of Replenishing
  • Necromancer Robes of Resurgence
  • Runic Necromancer Robes


  • Headsman's Axe
  • Skeleton Champion Greatsword
  • Skeleton Marksman Bow
  • Skeleton Minion War Axe
  • Staff of Ancient Lich
  • Undying Ghost Sword


The following spells have been added:

New enchantments[]

This add-on brings two new enchantments that can be learned and applied to other equipment. These enchantments are:

  • Dark Moon – Increases Magicka by X. Reduces healing rate by 30%.
  • Empowered Necromancy – Conjurations last X seconds longer. Allows for 1 additional lesser Necromancy summon or corpse resurrection.

Empowered Necromancy essentially allows the Dragonborn to summon a third ally, but only if it is affected by the Necromancer and Dark Souls perks. If the Dragonborn attempts to summon a third ally that is not affected by these perks, such as a third Atronach or Dremora Lord, then the first one originally summoned will be dismissed. However, two Atronachs or Dremora Lords can be summoned with the third being any of the above listed spells or a reanimated body. Additionally, if the Dragonborn has a Mage class follower, such as Serana, who also uses Conjuration spells, it is possible to have at most four additional allies fighting alongside you. You can also dual cast all three summons. However, only Expert level and lesser Conjurations can be summoned more than once.

