Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Nelrene is a Dark Seducer who resides in the Shivering Isles. She is the captain of the guard in Crucible.


The Lady of Paranoia[]

She is involved in the conspiracy against Lady Syl and she has secret meetings with Ma'zaddha at night in Crucible. She disappears after this quest is over. It is not said what happens to her and no new guard captain is promoted.


Show: The Lady of Paranoia
Inside New Sheoth Palace:

"What do you want?"

Conspiracy "I don't know anything about a conspiracy!"
Liar. Herdir, torture her! "Please, no!"
I don't care. Herdir, torture her. "No, please no...."
"Please, no more..."
Very well. You shall be spared. "Thank you."

If caught in conversation with Ma'zaddha:

"You should not be here, Inquisitor. Perhaps you are lost? I have business to attend to. Excuse me."

If not caught in conversation with Ma'zaddha:

"What do you want?"

Conspiracy "I hope for your sake you are not accusing me of anything."
I heard you talking to Ma'zaddha "Did you? And you have proof of this? No, you don't, do you? Well, then you'll get nothing out of me."
Liar. Herdir, torture her! "Please, no!"
I don't care. Herdir, torture her. "No, please no...."
"Your efforts are futile. You'll get nothing from me!"
Conspiracy "You have no proof! You cannot hold me accountable for anything!"
Very well. You shall be spared. "Thank you."

After being tortured thrice:

"Argh... Very well. I am part of a group that wishes to see Syl drowned in a pool of her own blood. But I am not in charge. You want the leader. You want Muurine. But no amount of torture will get a confession from her. You'll need more than just my confession. You'll need evidence, and I have none."

Conspiracy "You already know my part in this. There is nothing more to say."


The Lady of Paranoia, failed

Nelrene: "Have you made any progress? Will Anya assist us?" Ma'zaddha: "Ssh! We are not alone! It's not safe to speak. Go, before someone sees us."

The Lady of Paranoia, succeeded

Nelrene: "Have you made any progress? Will Anya assist us?" Ma'zaddha: "No, that blasted Inquisitor got to her. We'll need to find someone else." Nelrene: "See that you do so immediately. This is the one task which you were assigned. If you cannot complete it, you will be removed. Are we clear?" Ma'zaddha: "I will, I will! I want to see Syl dead just as much as you do. She cannot be allowed to survive, after what she's done. It's despicable." Nelrene: "Good. I shall expect a progress report soon. And keep your head down; the Inquisitor must not become involved."

