- "Well, hello there. Nels is my name. Some call me Naughty, but don't you believe it! Hahahaha!"
- ―Nels the Naughty[src]
Nels the Naughty is an alcoholic Nord found in Summitmist Manor during the Dark Brotherhood quest "Whodunit?."
Nels comes from a small village in Skyrim. One day, his village was attacked and his daughter, Olga, was killed. He blames the Imperial Legion for her death because they did nothing to stop the attack.
A client has arranged a party in order to kill off some enemies with the Dark Brotherhood's help. The goal is to kill all the guests, and a bonus is given if nobody witnesses any murder.
When the Hero first enters the building and head upstairs, they will see Nels and Neville, a former member of the legion, having a conversion about what they plan on doing with the money. This conversation will soon become heated and they will go their separate ways.
If the Hero speaks to Nels he will state he feels slightly protective of Dovesi Dran because she reminds him of his late daughter. If Dovesi is killed before Nels is, he will say its like watching his daughter die all over again.
If Nels is one of the last two guest to be murdered, and the other is either Neville or Primo Antonius, he will think they're the killer and attack them. If Dovesi and Nels are the last two guests, and both trust the player, Nels will assume the killer is coming through the window.
Despite the fact that most of the guests see him as nothing more than a drunk, he is the only guest to conclude that somebody was hired to kill them.
Show: Whodunit? (Neutral disposition) |
In Summitmist Manor:
"I'll let you in on a little secret. If I find the chest of gold, I'm going to open a tavern. The Hoary Boar! It's been my dream since I was a boy."
After the first kill is made: "Someone's been murdered! By Ysmir's beard, I need a drink!"
After the second kill is made: "Two people, dead. If anyone else drops, I swear I'm going to gather every drop of alcohol in this house and drink myself into a stupor."
After the third kill is made: "Three people... murdered. I know I shouldn't go wandering off alone right now, but for the love of Ysmir, I need a drink! I need to find some real spirits. I think I saw some mead down in the basement. I don't care if it's safe! It's my nerves! I need to calm down."
After the fourth kill is made: "You! What do you want? If you're looking for something to drink, I can't help you. It's mine. It's all mine, it's the only thing I have..." Death related dialogue:
Show: Whodunit? (Low disposition) |
In Summitmist Manor:
"It's funny. I like just about everyone, but the very sight of you makes me sick. Why don't you go look for the gold someplace else, friend."
After the first kill is made: "Someone has been killed. I don't suppose you know anything about that, now do you?"
After the second kill is made: "Well, look at you. Two people have been horribly murdered, and you're right as rain. Strikes me as odd, that does."
After the third kill is made: "Please, not now. I just want to be by myself for a bit."
After the fourth kill is made: "By the gods, you're the only one left. It was you! How could you? How could you have killed all those people? You won't take me so easily!" Death related dialogue:
Show: Whodunit? (High disposition) |
In Summitmist Manor:
"Well, my friend, the search is on, eh? I wonder how much gold is actually in the chest? A thousand pieces of gold? Ten thousand? I guess it all depends on the size of the chest. The bigger the better, of course but where would our mysterious host have hidden such a thing?"
After the first kill is made: "Have you heard, my friend? One of our fellow guests has been murdered! This bodes ill for our stay, and our search for the gold."
After the second kill is made: "I haven't seen death like this in a long, long time. It's a bit more than my nerves can handle, I'm afraid. I plan to gather up every drop of drink in this house and keep it to myself. If things get any worse around here, I find comfort there, you see."
After the third kill is made: "My friend, please stay safe! Three of us have been murdered! Besides you and me, there's only one guest left, if you know what I'm saying. I've seen death like this before. Many years ago, my daughter was murdered by bandits who came to our village. I'm sorry... I... I need a drink."
After the fourth kill is made following a conversation with Nels: "Ha ha! We did it, my friend! The killer is dead, and this nightmare is just about over. All we have to do now is find a way out of here!" After the fourth kill is made: "You want to know something, my friend? I just don't care anymore. We're the only two left. I know I didn't kill those people, so that leaves you. And now you're here to kill me, right? Well, let's get this over with."
Death related dialogue:
Neville and Nels[]
Neville: "So, Nord, if you find the gold, what will you spend it on? Wait, let me guess -- a sleazy whore and a nice new battle axe. Am I right?" Nels: "I'm going to open a tavern. Not that I'd welcome your patronage. No pigs allowed inside, you see. You Legion types tend to stink up a place." Neville: "A tavern! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I should have known! Leave it to a barbarian to spend an entire chest full of gold on beer and mead. How pathetic." Nels: "You can call me a barbarian. It's true and I'm proud of the fact. But you call me pathetic again and I'm going to show you just how barbaric I am." Neville: "With every word you speak you're just proving me right, Nord. Your kind has contributed nothing to our Empire, and never will!" Nels: "Ha ha ha ha ha! "My kind," as you like to call us, are plenty happy serving our own needs while your useless Empire crumbles down around you!" Neville: "Your words border on treason, Nord, and I will not tolerate them! You will respect the Empire! You will respect the memory of our dear Emperor!" Nels: "Bah! Don't get your linens in a bunch. You have no authority in this house, or anywhere else. You're not even in the Legion anymore!" Neville: "Nevertheless, I still serve the Empire in my heart and will not abide such talk! Walk away from me now, barbarian, or you'll regret your arrogance." Nels: "Pfft. I was done with you anyway. I can only talk to an ex-Legion pig for so long before my ears start bleeding. Besides, I need a drink. Ha ha ha!"