- "Welcome to the Wawnet Inn. Could I interest you in a room or perhaps a bit of wine?"
- ―Nerussa[src]
Nerussa is an Altmer who runs the Wawnet Inn in the Weye settlement outside of the Imperial City.
She is an avid collector of fine wines and will pay 1,000 for six bottles of the very rare Shadowbanish Wine, and then 100
for each subsequent wine bottle.
A Venerable Vintage[]
An alchemist who was also a vintner created the wine for the Imperial Legion soldiers who were posted at the forts dotting the countryside. The wine not only tasted good but also granted Night-Eye, making it useful for the night watch.
"Welcome to the Wawnet Inn. Could I interest you in a room or perhaps a bit of wine?"
- Bed "There's a fresh bed available to anyone who's got the 10 gold. Would you like it?"
- I'll take it. "So be it. Head upstairs, and look for the last door on your right. That's your room for tonight. Sleep well."
- Bed "The room at the end of the hall upstairs is yours for the night. Dream well."
- No thank you. "Very well. Let me know if you change your mind."
- I'll take it. "So be it. Head upstairs, and look for the last door on your right. That's your room for tonight. Sleep well."
"Have a fine journey, and keep yourself safe."
- A Venerable Vintage
"Welcome to the Wawnet Inn. Could I interest you in a room or perhaps a bit of wine?"
- Wine "Yes actually, I'm quite fond of collecting all manners of wines from all over Tamriel. But one vintage continues to elude me; Shadowbanish Wine. How I'd love to add it to my collection. Say, that gives me an idea. You look like the adventuring type. If you can retrieve six bottles of Shadowbanish Wine, I'll gladly pay you well. All I know about them is that they're found in the many fort ruins scattered all over Cyrodiil."
- Wine
- "By the Divines! You found some? Fantastic! Hang onto it for now. I must have six before I'll be truly satisfied. Then I'll have more than anyone else in Cyrodiil! (After collecting one or more bottles)"
- "I'm at a loss for words. You actually found six! These will hold an honored place in my collection! I don't know what else to say but thank you. Oh! I almost forgot. Here's your finder's fee. Worth every single coin, I assure you. I'll tell you what else I'll do since you seem so resourceful. If you find any more bottles of the wine, I'll gladly pay you well for them. (After collecting six bottles)"
- Shadowbanish Wine "Well, apparently the wine is so rare because it was only made in one tiny batch. It's the product of an alchemist who was also a vintner. Besides tasting incredible, the magic within the wine allows the imbiber to be gifted with Night Eye! The vintner made it special for the Legion soldiers posted at the forts when they were active long ago. It was perfect for keeping lookouts warm on cold nights and helping them see better in the dark. Clever, eh?"
"Keep looking for that wine! Farewell!"
If approached again:
"Welcome back to the Wawnet Inn. Looking for a room? Or did you have any more Shadowbanish Wine for me perhaps?"
- Wine "If I'm to buy the wine from you, you need to have it with you."
After finding more Shadowbanish Wine:
"Welcome back to the Wawnet Inn. Looking for a room? Or did you have any more Shadowbanish Wine for me perhaps?"
- Wine "You have more? Amazing! Well, as promised, your finder's fee once again."
"Remember me if you find more Shadowbanish Wine!"