- For other uses, see Nobleman.
Nobleman is an Imperial who can be found in the Emperor's Tower in Castle Dour.
To Kill an Empire[]
- "I prefer a good roast duck. But your soup will do."
- ―Nobleman[src]
He is one of the nobles dining with the Emperor.
The Potage le Magnifique[]
Noblewoman: "But aren't you the least bit nervous? After everything that's happened?"
Emperor Titus Mede II: "You mean the wedding? My cousin's apparent murder? An unfortunate misunderstanding, no more. Cold mead, hot tempers... these things happen."
Nobleman: "Quite. Yet that recent business with the young officer. Maro, was it? How dreadful. The son of your commander, plotting your assassination."
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Yes, an unfortunate turn of events, that. But an isolated incident. And I have been assured the faults was with the man's son alone. Truth is, we are in no danger whatsoever. Killing an Emperor can be useful, but befriending one? Now that's beneficial - as I'm sure you'd all agree."
[Upon entering the dining room]
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Aha! Here we are. Honored guests, I present to you - the Gourmet! Ah, the Potage le Magnifique. So delicious. My friends, as emperor, I of course reserve the right of first taste."
Noblemen: "(Laughing.)"
Noblewoman: "(Laughing.)"
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Oh... Oh how marvelous. Just delicious. It is everything I had hoped it would be. Please, everyone. Enjoy."
Noblewoman: "But aren't you the least bit nervous? After everything that's happened?"
Emperor Titus Mede II: "You mean the wedding? My cousin's apparent murder? An unfortunate misunderstanding, no more. Cold mead, hot tempers... these things happen."
Nobleman: "Quite. Yet that recent business with the young officer. Maro, was it? How dreadful. The son of your commander, plotting your assassination."
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Yes, an unfortunate turn of events, that. But an isolated incident. And I have been assured the faults was with the man's son alone. Truth is, we are in no danger whatsoever. Killing an Emperor can be useful, but befriending one? Now that's beneficial - as I'm sure you'd all agree."
[Upon entering the dining room]
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Aha! Here we are. Honored guests, I present to you - the Gourmet! Ah, the Potage le Magnifique. So delicious. My friends, as emperor, I of course reserve the right of first taste."
Noblemen: "(Laughing.)"
Noblewoman: "(Laughing.)"
Emperor Titus Mede II: "Oh... Oh how marvelous. Just delicious. It is everything I had hoped it would be. It.... I.... I think something's... wrong... I... Hunh..."
Penitus Oculatus Agent: "By the gods! The Gourmet and the chef have poisoned the Emperor! Get them!"
Gianna: "What? No! No, you don't understand! There's been some kind of mistake! I... Aggghhh!"