Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Nords.

Nords are a playable race for the Hero of Kvatch in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally hailing from the province of Skyrim, they are a tall and fair-haired people. Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold. They are highly talented warriors.

Character creation[]

Main article: Character Creation (Oblivion)
"Citizens of Skyrim, they are tall and fair-haired people. Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold. They are highly talented warriors."
―In-game description[src]

Attribute modifiers[]

Attributes Male Female
Agility 40 40
Endurance 50 40
Intelligence 30 30
Luck 50 50
Personality 30 30
Speed 40 40
Strength 50 50
Willpower 30 40

Skill bonuses[]

Skill Modifier
Armorer +5
Blade +10
Block +5
Blunt +10
Heavy Armor +10
Restoration +5

Special abilities[]


Nords have great attributes and skill bonuses for a pure close-quarters fighter.


Nords are very well-suited for the Crusader class due to their natural skill in Blade, Blunt, Heavy Armor and Restoration. Their lack of a high Willpower can easily be overcome by choosing the Lady birthsign, which will also boost their already high Endurance at the same time.


Playing as a Knight as Nord is a possibility, but can prove quite challenging in earlier stages of your playthrough, due to a low Speechcraft and Illusion skills, a low Personality attribute and a smaller magicka pool.


This once a day power goes a long way in helping to fight off bosses.


Woad is not nearly as useful as Adrenaline Rush or Berserk for killing bosses.

Possible Birthsigns[]

The Warrior[]

Use this birthsign and choose Strength and Endurance as the main attributes in a custom class to start the game with tons of health and fatigue.

The Lady[]

Concerned with Willpower, choose the Lady. This grants a Nord character with boosts to magicka and health.

External links[]

