Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I'm the Sergeant-at-Arms here. I'm in charge of the furnaces up the hill there. I practically run this town. Don't be sniffling around here too much. I have everything in here nice and orderly."

Ondendil is the Altmer sergeant-at-arms in Mathiisen and a member of the Veiled Heritance.


The Witch of Silatar[]

Ondendil appears in a vision taking place on Silatar.

Circus of Cheerful Slaughter[]


The Witch of Silatar

"I'll have a glass of wine."

I'm not a servant. "What? Then why are we talking?"


The Unveiling

Ondendil: "Let's tell Malanie about that damn cat lurking around here." Condalin: "Aye. If Razum-dar is near, then trouble usually follows."

Audience with the Wilderking

Ondendil: "We have much need of someone like you, Aranias." Andur: "Yes, young one. We have a problem in the Valenwood that will require your talents specifically." Aranias: "I-I would be honored to help however I can." Andur: "An opportunity has arisen to strike a devastating blow to the Dominion, to divide the Bosmer." Ondendil: "The Bosmer in Greenshade claim allegiance not to King Camoran, but to a man they call "The Wilderking."" Andur: "Killing this Wilderking will drive the Bosmer mad. He is very elusive though, so I will need your help to find him." High Kinlady Estre: "You realize we are entrusting you with an important task, I hope, my dear." Aranias: "Of course, Lady Estre. You can count on me."


  • "Andur demonstrates amazing potential. Why are we bothering with this girl and her clods of dirt? Andur could melt them with only a thought. What do they call her? The Rock Witch? Hilarious. Provincial." —During "The Witch of Silatar"
  • "I'm unsure which I despise more, Khajiit or Bosmer." — During "The Witch of Silatar"
  • "You'll never make a living reading all day. You need to earn some coin, Valaste!" —During "Circus of Cheerful Slaughter"

