Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Books (Online)

One Bosmer's Response to the Dominion is an handbill written by a Bosmer regarding his views on the the Aldmeri Dominion and their threat to his people.



The formation of the Dominion can end in only one way: with Bosmer necks under High Elf boots! Those arrogant bastards will subjugate all of Tamriel if they could. I won't stand for that, and none of you should, either.

It's time the Bosmer reclaimed Valenwood. Blacksap or Camoran loyalist, Green Pact stalwart or oathless salad-eaters—it matters not. We'll simply need time, strength, and powerful Magic.

Appealing to Hircine may provide us with what we need. Risky, yes, but with great risk comes greater reward. For Valenwood!


