Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

One Ugly Mug is a quest available to be initiated in either Scarp Keep or by finding Agolas's Journal in Aqueduct Rock.


If the journal was found first:

I discovered a journal of a thief named Agolas. He stole some goods in Orsinium, but found they were too hot to sell to a fence. Meanwhile, he framed someone named Zabani for the crime.

If found Zabani first: [?]

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Find Agolas's Journal
  2. Talk to Warden Oorg or Sell mug to Astilme
  3. Talk to Warden Oorg
  4. [?]




  • 73–302 Gold
  • Gloves of the Ugly Mug


If the journal was found first:

Journal Entry
I should search for the stolen goods. The journal said they were located just north of Aqueduct Rock, at the intersection of "aqueduct legs, narrow tree, gray serpent."
  • Objective: Find the Stolen Goods
I should decide what to do with this hideous mug. I could speak with Zabani about what I dug up. However, Agolas's journal mentioned a buyer. If I wanted, I could sell the mug to Astilme
  • Objective: Talk to Zabani
  • Objective: Sell Mug to Astilme
Zabani wants me to turn over the hideous mug. I should speak with Warden Oorg to determine her fate. However, Agolas's journal mentioned a buyer. If I wanted, I could sell the mug to Astilme.
  • Objective: Talk to Warden Oorg or Sell Mug to Astilme
I returned the mug to Warden Oorg. I should speak with him about releasing Zabani.
  • Objective: Talk to Warden Oorg

If Zabani was found first:

Journal Entry
I spoke with Zabani who is being held for stealing something from the king. She swears a Wood Elf named Agolas framed her for the crime. She asked me to help her prove it.
In the brief time Zabani traveled with Agolas, she noticed he was obsessive about keeping a journal. She believes the journal will help prove her innocence.
