Ongar the World-Weary is a Nord residing in Bruma.
He is one of the Thieves Guild's fences and will be the first fence if the Hero joins the guild. While he is one of the easiest to find when needing to sell, he only has 600. He will only fence goods with members of the guild.
- "Ongar the World-Weary, they call me. I've been everywhere, and done everything. Now I'm settled down for a good long rest."
- ―Ongar the World-Weary[src]
Ongar lives a simple life of sleeping and drinking, he can be found most often at Olav's Tap and Tack. When he is not at the bar, he is at home sleeping.
His home is plain, there is little of value inside except a few books. Picking up anything is counted as theft.
If the Hero is a member of the Thieves Guild during the quest "Spies," and is friends with Ongar, he will point them towards Jearl's House saying there have been times he has seen and heard things inside when Jearl was not home, and he thinks they are living there.
Thieves Guild[]
Independent Thievery[]
Steal as much as possible and sell it to a local fence.
Main Quest[]
Find the Spies in Bruma and remove them.
Bruma "Bruma is a perfect town for a Nord man of leisure. Bracing mountain air, good food and drink, and lively Nord fellowship."
"I see you are with the Gray Fox. Do you need a fence?"
- Pay off my fines and bounty. "Armand Christophe and S'krivva have special arrangements with the guards and judges throughout Cyrodiil. They can make all your outstanding warrants go away, for only half the price of the fines."
- Gray Fox "All Thieves Guild members have sworn loyalty to him. If there is such a thing as a guildmaster, he's it."
"Shadow hide you."
After completion of "Untaxing the Poor":
"I'm really tired. Can we get on with this?"
- Gray Fox "He's kind of like a guildmaster for the Thieves Guild. All I know is that the Doyen and other senior guild members do his bidding like trained dogs."
- "I'm glad that's done. I need a nap." —After ceasing to trade.