Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Padomaic is the term for any being or force that embodies the more chaotic or change-inspiring energy called Padomay. This is in contrast to forces that embody Anu, the energy of order, which are called Anuic.

Padomay is the quintessential form of change. One of the two primal forces, the other being Anu. Modern gods with a Padomaic bias include most Daedric Princes,[1] and Lorkhan, which is the soul of Sithis, which is the soul of Padomay.[UL 1] Padomaic deities are often considered by most mortal races to be "evil" compared to the "good" Anuic deities, yet the Dunmer and the Khajiit have a positive view of some Padomaic entities in some instances.[2][3][4] Sithis in particular is held in high esteem in most cultures, due to being envisioned as the Original Creator,[5] but is still considered "evil" by most of Tamriel's citizens.[6] Terms like "good" and "evil," however, cannot fully describe Aedra and Daedra, since they do not have a morality like mortals have.[7] The best way to describe the difference between "Padomaic" and "Anuic" is that they are the opposite of each other, but also linked.


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