- Not to be confused with The Pale Lady.
Pale Lady is a vampire in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion who lives underneath Castle Skingrad. She feeds on prisoners in the Castle Skingrad Dungeon.
- "Every few days she comes for one of us. Some return, some don't. Those that are taken three times never return."
- ―Larthjar the Laggard[src]
It is told by one of the prisoners that each night she and the guards take one of the prisoners from their cell and feeds on them, but the third time they never return. It is likely that she kills them on the third day because by day three they are turning into vampires and this would give her away.
It appears that most of the castle guards have no knowledge of the Pale Lady being a vampire. The only one who might have an idea is the jailor. It is also unlikely that Skingrad's count, Janus Hassildor, is aware of her presence underneath his castle. This is because he has no love for his "kin" and he has any vampire who enters his territory killed.
Lost Histories[]
Find a guild brother who went missing on the job. The Pale Lady is encountered during this quest for the Thieves Guild.
- "Come to me, sweet flesh!"
- "I will feed the mistress your blood!"
- If the Hero asked the jailor about the Pale Lady, he will reveal that her name is Mina. Mina is also the name of one of the main characters in the book Dracula.