Past in Ruins is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Herminius Sophus, a scholar from Cyrodiil, asked me to search the Yokudan ruins Ancestor's Landing for an ancient sword.
- Find the Ancient Blade
- Talk to Azei at-Owynok
- Search along the Shore
- Talk to Sword-Singer Navid
- Take the Ancient Blade
- Defeat Those Who Seek the Ancient Blade
- Talk to Azei at-Owynok
- Complete one:
- Give Sword to Herminius Sophus
- Give Sword to Sword-Singer Navid
Near the ruins of Ancestor's Landing, you will find an imperial named Herminius Sophus. Speak with him, and he will ask for your help in finding an ancient sword. This sword used to belong to a legendary Sword-Singer Navid, and Herminius thinks it belongs in an Imperial museum. This sword is unique because unlike most Sword-Singer blades, it stayed in this world after Navid used it to slay his comrade Ihlqub and then himself. He will direct you to speak with his assistant Azei at-Owynok about where to find the sword. Talk to Azei and he will tell you that you will probably have the most luck searching along the coast.

Navid's painted on the wall.
Head west, to Na-Totambu's Landing. Along the way, past the ruined gate, you will find a copy of Redguards, History and Heroes, V. 1 guarded by two Lamias, so be sure to pick that up. Just past where you find the book, you will run into the ghost of Sword-Singer Navid. Speak to the ghost and he will warn you that the blade you seek is cursed. If you pick it up, you will be attacked by the spirits of those who tried to pick it up before. These spirits cannot be killed permanently, only temporarily defeated, and they will continue to hunt whoever owns the blade.
Continue down the path and you will find the sword; once you pick it up, you will indeed be attacked by several waves of hostile spirits, culminating in a battle with the spirit of Ihlqub. Once you have defeated them all, head back east and you will run into Azei. Speak with him and he will tell you that he is not as ignorant of Hammerfell's history as he let on; he is mainly trying to prevent Herminius from plundering all of Hammerfell's treasures. He knows of the blade's curse, but will also tell you that only someone without a soul can lift it. He will ask you to return the sword to Sword-Singer Navid so that no one else will have to deal with its curse again.
At this point, you can choose whether to give the sword to Herminius or to return it to Navid. If you choose to give Herminius the sword, [?]. If you wish to return the sword to Navid, you will find his spirit near a tombstone to the northeast. He will initially refuse to take his sword back, but will eventually agree. After you have given him the sword, head back to Herminius and tell him you did not find the sword. This will finish the quest.
Journal Entry |
The ancient sword could be anywhere in the ruins, so I'll need to search carefully. The scholar's guide, Azei at-owynok, may have additional information to help direct me toward the most likely locations
The ancient sword could be anywhere in the ruins, so I'll need to search carefully. The scholar's guide, Azei at-Owynok, may have additional information to help direct me toward the most likely locations.
Once I found the sword, Sword-Singer Navid's spirit appeared. I should talk with him and learn why he'srevealed the sword to me.
I should take the sword from its resting place and prepare for battle.
I found the ancient sword in the ruins on the shore. Angry spirits will attempt to take it from me, and I must defeat them.
I've defeated several ghostly attackers, and must now take the blade to Herminius Sophus.
I can return the cursedsword to Sword-Singer Navid, or take it to Herminius Sophus, the man who asked for it in the first place.