Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Piercing Howl is a Skill that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online. It is from the Werewolf Skill Tree. This skill was introduced in Update 5.[1]


(Instant, 10m): Crush enemy with a deafening howl, dealing x Physical Damage and knocking them down for 3 seconds. Can be morphed into:


Howl of Despair[]

(Instant, 10m): Crush enemy with a deafening howl, dealing x Physical Damage and knocking them down for 3 seconds. Allies can activate the Feeding Frenzy synergy, increasing light and heavy attack damage by 10% for 15 seconds. Add Feeding Frenzy synergy which will increase our allies basic attacks.

  • Update 6: The Synergy prompt for this ability will now properly disappear when you can no longer use it.[2]

Howl of Agony[]

(Instant, 10m): Crush enemy with a deafening howl, dealing x Physical Damage and knocking them down for 3 seconds. Damage against feared enemies is increased by 30%. Deal increased damage to enemies that are currently feared.



