Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Prelates
"Are you prepared to honor the mantras of Auri-El and fill you vessel with his enlightenment?"
―Prelate Athring[src]

Prelate Athring is a Snow Elf ghost who can be found at the Wayshrine of Sight in the Forgotten Vale.


Prelate Athring was a priest of Auri-El tasked with helping initiates at a wayshrine find their way to the Inner Sanctum of the Chantry of Auri-El.


Touching the Sky[]

The Dragonborn must travel to the Forgotten Vale to retrieve Auriel's Bow.


Touching the Sky

"Welcome, Initiate. This is the Wayshrine of Sight. Are you prepared to honor the mantras of Auri-El and fill your vessel with his enlightenment?"

Yes. "Then behold Auri-El's gift, my child. May it speed your journey to the Inner Sanctum."


  • "May Auri-El's light guide you in your darkest hours."

