Prince Hubalajad, or Prince Hew was a Yokudan nobleman, who tried to colonize Hew's Bane.
Prince Hew attempted to colonize a peninsula in southern Khefrem, Hammerfell, which he named "Khefrem's Boot." When he arrived, he found a barren land hostile to most life, land bad for crops due to brackish water and heat. Hew attempted regardless and failed in almost every endeavor. In the end though, he successfully founded the city of Abah's Landing, located in a naturally protected harbor on the east coast of the peninsula.
Within the city Hubalajad built a lavish palace, from which his heirs would rule for generations. He also forged, to the south, the No Shira Citadel, which was abandoned due to the seasonal flooding undermining defensive capabilities. To connect Hew's Bane with the other Ra Gada holdings, he built the Princes Gate, therefore connecting all Ra Gada held land in Hammerfell.