Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Prison Break is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild.


Silver-Claw found out the Iron Wheel is planning to ship Zeira to Taneth. As acting guildmaster, I've called on the Thieves Guild to do something about it.


  1. Talk to Silver-Claw
  2. Organize the Thieves Guild to Rescue Zeira x3
  3. Take the Evidence of Nicolas's Treachery
  4. Meet Quen outside No Shira Citadel
  5. Talk to Quen
  6. Meet Walks-Softly Outside No Shira Citadel
  7. Bypass the Iron Wheel Centry
  8. Talk to Walks-Softly
  9. Go to Chief Inspector Rhanbiq's Office
  10. Talk to Magnifica Falorah
  11. Find Zeira's Cell Block
  12. Talk to Nicolas
  13. Decide the Fate of Nicolas
  14. Get Transfer Orders From the Warden's Office
  15. Find Zeira on the Prison Ship
  16. Free Zeira
  17. Talk to Zeira
  18. Escape No Shira Citadel
  19. Meet Zeira at the Den


After completing "Forever Hold Your Peace," speak with Andarri in the Thieves Den. She will tell you that Silver-Claw is looking for you in the Den.

You will find Silver-Claw in the library. He will tell you that the Iron Wheel are preparing to move out of Abah's Landing, and that they will take Zeira with them to Taneth to have her stand trial. The chaos of their departure will provide the perfect opportunity to sneak into No Shira Citadel and rescue the guildmaster. First though, you must get the rest of the thieves guild on board.

Speak with Velsa, Walks-Softly and Quen. They will each offer their particular talents to aid in this rescue mission. Once everyone knows what to do, take the note on the table titled "Evidence of Nicolas's Treachery" and head out.

Head out to the road northwest of No Shira Citadel to meet up with Quen. She will already have scouted the citadel for entry points. The Iron Wheel are no loner patrolling the exterior, and a distraction Velsa caused at the main gate has caused them to pull their guards to that area. Quen has also found a ga in the wall on the southwest side of the citadel, guarded by a single soldier. She will tell you to meet wit Walks-Softly there.

Head to the gap and speak with Walks-Softly. He has a plan to get past the sentry and to acquire his uniform. The guard is constantly looking inside the citadel waiting on a drink, so Walks-Softly intends to pose as a drunk Argonian and offer the man a sip of his drink, spiked with sleeping potion. This plan works without a hitch, so you can now get inside. Speak with Walks-Softly there and he will tell you to head to the part of the ruins where Chief Inspector Rhanbiq entertains his guests. There, you should try to discover where they are holding Zeira. You should also drop off the evidence against Nicolas, so that it can be used in his trial.

Rhanbiq's office is in the far east of the ruins. Once there, you will find not Rhanbiq but Magnifica Falorah. She does not believe Nicolas's claims that the raid on Al-Danobia Tomb was Zeira's plan all along; if you give her the evidence, she will tell you where to find Zeira. Zeira is in the dungeons below; Magnifica Falorah will guide you to the entrance. Stay close to her, and the Iron Wheel should leave you alone.

At the entrance, she will tell a disguised Walks-Softly to open the door. Head inside with him; he will tell you to go on ahead while he waits for the others. Proceed onward to the central hallway; this is where Nicolas's cell is. He will offer to tell you Zeira's location in exchange for a single lockpick, but before you can decide on whether to take this offer, your friends Walks-Softly, Quen and Velsa will arrive. You can talk to them about the situation to get their advice.

If you decide to hand Nicolas the lockpick, [?]. If you do not give him a lockpick, you should head on to the warden's office, which is the western of the two northernmost rooms. Here, you will find a document detailing where Zeira is located and where they are transferring her. You will learn from this document that she is on a prison ship, waiting to be shipped off to Taneth.

The entrance to the harbor can be found by leaving the dungeons through the northeastern exit. To get into the ship, you can either pick the lock or you can get the key off Private Brand's table, though this will likely mean you have to kill Brand. Either way, head belowdecks; you can find Rhanbiq and an imprisoned Zeira here. Talk to Rhanbiq to distract him so your thives guild friends can surround him; Velsa will knock him out. Once he has been dealt with, free Zeira and talk to her.

Zeira will thank you and everyone for freeing her, but the Thieves Guild's work is not yet done. The ship is loaded with contraband, and Zeira wants to steal all of it. That is no concern of yours though; leave the ship, then find a rowboat to the north to make your way back to Abah's Landing. Once there, head to the Den and talk to Zeira to finish the quest.


  • Grand Amnesty Edict
  • Unidentified Bahraha's Curse Ring
  • 1 Skill Point
  • 10 Thieves Guild Reputation
  • 73–302 Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.


This section contains bugs related to Prison Break. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • During these quest some of the characters can disappear after being interacted with (including Quen, Velsa, and Thieves Guild Operative).

