- Not to be confused with Quendeluun or Quan.
Quen (full name Quenneth) is a novice Altmer thief initially found in any Outlaws Refuge in Tamriel, and will offer the Vestige the job of accompanying her on a heist at Fulstrom Homestead. She later becomes a member of the Thieves Guild.
Quen was born as Quenneth to an Altmer commoner known as Saroldo. At some point in time, her mother perished.
Quen spent much of her life at the Lillandril Illumination Academy, a boarding school and which she resided and studied at. She was later suspended for lack of dedication to studies, financial restitution, and suspicion of committing larceny and trespassing. After that, she went on to pursue a life as a thief.
Main Quests[]
Partners in Crime[]
- "The newest job is always the biggest job! Life of a thief. You know how it is."
- ―Quen[src]
Quen can be found at the entrance of Abah's Landing or in any Outlaws Refuge. She will offer you a job, and will task you with traveling to either the Wayrest, Windhelm, or Woodhearth docks, depending on your alliance.
After embarking from the docks on her ship, you will arrive at Fulstrom Homestead. In front of the manor's entrance is a portcullis, blocking further passage. Quen will climb over the wall onto the other side, and after you open the portcullis and she turns the switch, the gate will open. Once the Manor is entered via a backdoor entrance and the puzzle lock is completed, the Giovessen Skull will be on a table in Thane Fulstrom's vault. After the relic is taken, Chief Inspector Rhanbiq and three members of the Iron Wheel will appear. Rhanbiq will then confront Quen, accusing her of stealing Magnifica Falorah's dowry:
Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Surrender, thief! The manor is surrounded. Today, the Iron Wheel brings you to justice." Quenneth: "What? Who are you?" Rhanbiq: "Chief Inspector Rhanbiq. We foiled your attempt to steal the Giovessen Skull. Will you also confess to stealing Magnifica Falorah's dowry?" Quen: "What's a "falorah"?" Rhanbiq: "She... it doesn't matter. Return the Giovessen Skull and surrender, or face the consequences." Quen "No idea what he means. I'll... I'll follow your lead."
The events following will vary depending on the course of action you take. If you place the Giovessen Skull back on its display, the Iron Wheel will knock you unconscious and imprison both you and Quen in a jail cell. After you regain consciousness, Quen will say "Wake up, partner. We need to get out of here." If you choose to attack the Iron Wheel, Quen will say "Hold them off! I'll find another way out!"
Whatever the path taken, Walks-Softly will appear in the catacombs. If you are imprisoned, he will free you and Quen. He will then have the following conversation with Quen:
Quenneth: "Who are you?" Walks-Softly: "You don't know me yet, but I'm a friend. Quen, isn't it? Put on this uniform and head outside. The Iron Wheel won't detain a Windhelm Guard." Quen: "There's no way I'm leaving here without my partner." Walks: "I only had one uniform. Go on, recover your boat and meet us by the catacomb exit. Then we can return to the Thieves Guild in Abah's Landing." Quen: "You're from the Thieves Guild? I... all right, I'll meet you both by the exit. Good luck, partner." Walks: "She'll be fine. Looks like we take the dangerous way around."
Quen will then leave while you and Walks take the alternate exit. Back on the surface, Walks and Quen will be on a boat.
After arriving in Abah's Landing, Walks-Softly will be speaking to Quen:
Walks-Softly: "When you're up to it, we'll head to the Thieves Den. It's in an old cistern." Quen: "A cistern? Wonderful. I'm to be surrounded by water, everywhere I go."
Quen will be at the docks for some time, as she is still suffering of see-sickness from the boat-ride. After the quest is completed, she will be found in the Den.
The Long Game[]
Quen will be gathering information on Cosh.
A Flawless Plan[]
Travel with the guild to the al-Danobia tomb in order to discover what happened to Magnifica Falorah's dowry.
Forever Hold Your Peace[]
Quen can attend the wedding between Cosh and Magnifica Falorah as the Vestige's date.
Prison Break[]
Quen will help break Zeira out of No Shira Citadel.
Side Quests[]
A Double Life[]
Assist Quen with a personal matter by breaking into Sulima Mansion and searching for clues about her father, Saroldo.
His Greatest Treasure[]
Quen has tracked down her father's greatest treasure, and will ask the Vestige to help recover it.
Show: Partners in Crime |
"Are you here about the job? To forestall any confusion―yes, we split the proceeds equally. And no, I will not budge on that point."
After arriving at the city docks: "You made it. I wasn't certain you ... well, I'm glad you're here. So, the details! We're headed to a remote patch of land called Fulstrom Homestead. It's owned by some thane from Eastmarch. He's at war, but his staff and guards remain."
After arriving at Fulstrom Homestead: "Dry land, finally. Colder than I expected ... very, very cold. The manor should be up ahead. Are you ready?"
"Who was that? What was all that about, with dowries and iron wheels."
After escaping the catacombs: "That didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. I suppose that's the point of being a thief, isn't it? I'm just glad we're alive and free. Unless the Iron Wheel finds us. We should be going, shouldn't we? Let's get going." After speaking to Walks-Softly: "I'd planned to go to Abah's Landing after this job. If he's willing to take us there, I say we go." After arriving in Abah's Landing: "Think I'll stay here for a bit. Don't want to decorate the guildmaster's boots."
Show: A Double Life |
"There's something you need to know about why I'm in Abah's Landing. When we first met, I said I needed a partner to steal the Giovessen Skull. I never explained why. Not really."
Meeting her outside Sulima Mansion: "I have no idea what we're going to find inside. After Fulstrom Homestead, I keep thinking the Iron Wheel is around every corner. There I go, jumping at shadows. Are you ready?"
After talking with Lady Sulima: "What's wrong with me? I'm a High Elf. I'm not supposed to cry."
Show: The Long Game |
"Zeira said I should wait for you when I was finished. Well... I'm finished." What did you find?
Show: His Greatest Treasure |
"Good, you're here! The old book we found at Sulima Mansion was the key to my father's cipher. His ledge revealed directions to his "greatest treasure." It won't bring him back. But if we find it, Abah's Landing will no longer have a hold on me."
After confronting Lady Sulima, if the Vestige told Sulima her actions are unforgivable: "My father died protecting her from the Iron Wheel, and she tried to steal my inheritance? I feel seasick."
If Quen forgave Lady Sulima: "My father died to protect Lady Sulima from the Iron Wheel. If it was his last wish, I should honor it."
After completing the quest: "I'm glad you were part of this. The choice wasn't easy, but it feels like we made the right one."
Show: Forever Hold Your Peace |
When deciding who should come along:
"So who are you going to bring with you to the palace? I hope you say Velsa … I'd love to see her bedecked in finery."
Outside the gates, if she was chosen as the Vestige's date: "I haven't dressed up like this since my academy."
Inside the gates: "It's a bit much in here. Whoever built this palace was trying too hard."
Show: Prison Break |
In the Den:
"I know it won't be easy to recover Zeira, but I'm ready for this. Just say the word."
Outside No Shira Citadel: "Scouting successful. The Iron Wheel doesn't send patrols beyond the walls anymore. They're too busy preparing to leave. And there's some sort of commotion at the main gate. Seems they've pulled a few soldiers there to deal with it."
Outside Nicolas's cell: "I've never met Nicolas before. Far as I'm concerned, I never want to see him again."
- Stench of the Landing
Quenneth: "Why does Abah's Landing... well, I don't know how to ask this without causing offense." Walks-Softly: "I'm rarely offended. Please, ask." Quen: "Why does Abah's Landing stink?" Walks: "Take any harbor town, with the normal fish stenches. Add swampland, the hot sun, and filthy pirates." Quen: "I didn't realize pirates had a particular smell."
- Walks' Hometown
Quen: "Are you from Abah's Landing?" Walks-Softly: "I am a creature of Abah's Landing. Without this city, I would not be the person you know." Quen: "I don't understand. Who would you be?" Walks: "Simpler. Less certain of my purpose. And in dire need of good clothes."
- Quen's Pets
Walks-Softly: "Did you ever have a pet?" Quen: "No, I spent much of my life in the academy. They wouldn't allow it. Why do you ask?" Walks: "Nothing, you just... remind me of someone I once knew." Quen: "I remind you of someone who owned a pet?" Walks: "It's the way you speak, not the words you say. No matter, you are a very different person."
- Seasickness
Walks-Softly: "You don't seem to mind living here. I thought you hated water." Quen: "No, I hate travelling by ship. I take no issue with water." Walks: "Good! Then grab a mop and scrub algae off all the planks you can find." Quen: "You... fine. But it's just going to grow back." Walks: "Oh, the algae never loses. It's all about the struggle."
- Quen proving herself
Zeira: "You've really proven yourself. There's a place for you here, if you want it." Quen: "You—you mean that, not just saying it because I stuck around for the hard times?" Zeira: "You may be new to the game, but I think you could show me a thing or two about acrobatics." Quen: "Great! I mean, thank you, Zeira. What's my first assignment?" Zeira: "Meet me at No Shira Citadel tomorrow morning. You're going to show me how to make a really dramatic escape."
- Thief Salute
Quen: "He did the same thing to me. What do you suppose it meant?" Velsa: "I convinced him we have a "thief salute."" Quen: "You did not!"
- Zeira being happy
Velsa: "Zeira has been too happy, lately. I don't trust it." Quen: "We rescued her from the Iron Wheel. Of course she's happy." Walks-Softly: "I think Velsa is more concerned that her barbs no longer stick in Zeira's hide." Quen: "You're right, now that I think of it. It doesn't matter what Velsa says, she's just … placid." Velsa: "It won't last. It can't last, can it?"
- Robbing the Iron Wheel
Velsa: "Which means there are less of them around to guard their pay." Walks-Softly: "Velsa, think. If we empty their coffers completely, they can't buy passage by ship. How will they ever leave Hew's Bane?" Quen: "We leave them just enough to purchase camels?" Walks-Softly: "That could work. All right, Velsa—go over your plan once more …."
Show: A Flawless Plan |
After speaking with Zeira: Quen: "Off to find Percius Loche. Meet you there, partner." Zeira: "Everyone else, pack for a long journey. I'll bring us home safe and sound." Velsa: "More promises you can't keep." After finding Percius Loche: Quen: "Percius Loche? I'll get you to Prince's Gate, safe and sound." Percius Loche: "Would you happen to have a spare set of boots?" Quen: "I don't think mine will fit you. Come along, we'll work something out." In the room with the pillars: Quen: "How are we supposed to get through?" Velsa: "Ask Zeira. She knows how to do everything in this place, unless it's stealing a dowry." Zeira: "No idea. Last time, Nicolas had me watch the passage behind us. There must be something in his journal." Walks-Softly: "Anything useful?" Zeira: "Nicolas loved his puzzles. You're welcome to try." At Shinji's Truth: Zeira: "The journal says this chasm is called ""Shinji's Truth."" Last time, we never made it across." Quen: "I can't see the bottom. Is there a bottom?" Velsa: "Throw yourself in. We'll see how long before we hear the splat." Zeira: "Quen, Walks-Softly—look for hidden doors or switches. Velsa, you're with me. I need your help to walk Malooc's Path." Velsa: "And what of your protege?" Zeira: "Watching my back, should anyone try to stab it. Let's go." After returning with Tall Papa's Ashes: Walks-Softly: "Quen, it's a bad idea." Velsa: "Words escape me." Zeira: "Someone, tell me what I'm seeing." Walks-Softly: "We heard strange noises in the chasm. Stone grinding against stone. Quen, well …." Quen: "I found this invisible bridge!" Velsa: "So you followed my advice and threw yourself in the chasm." Zeira: "The ashes! Spread them on the bridge to see where it leads. And Quen, get back from there." In the room with Lakayd the Repentant: Quen: "Do all crypts come with … whatever that is?" Velsa: ""Every tomb needs a guardian." An old Yokudan saying, wasn't it?" Lakayd the Repentant: "Your introduction is formless and without grace. Recite Danobia's maxim!" Walks-Softly: "That's alarming." Zeira: "Velsa, Quen, Walks-Softly—stay back! If it's hostile, we'll handle it." Lakayd the Repentant: "Recite Danobia's maxim, or you shall be deemed trespassers!" Zeira: "It must be some kind of pass-phrase! If you have any ideas, now's the time to call them out!" Velsa: "You can't seriously expect us to—" Walks-Softly: ""Pass-phrase!"" Quen: ""Yokuda!"" Walks-Softly: ""Gaiden Shinji!"" Velsa: "Idiots!" Walks-Softly: "Velsa, you aren't even trying." Lakayd the Repentant: "Trespasser! Danobia's justice falls upon you!" |
Show: Forever Hold Your Peace |
On the steps:
Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Everyone, I require your attention!" Zeira: "This is it. Stay close—let's see if Nicolas makes an appearance." Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "It is an honor and privilege to introduce our host for the evening. May I present the impending husband of Magnifica Falorah … Lord Cosh!" Cosh: "Welcome to my home! I must thank all of you for joining me on this momentous occasion." Zeira: "That's Nicolas!" Cosh: "Please, eat and drink your fill! Soon, I shall speak to you not as a humble merchant, but as a noble of Taneth!" Zeira: "Nicolas is Cosh?" Quen: "So that's Nicolas? His voice is oilier than his hair!" In Magnifica Falorah's room: Magnifica Falorah: "Who are you? How did you get in here?" Zeira: "Magnifica Falorah, we came to warn you. Cosh is not the man he seems." Magnifica Falorah: "He's a merchant lord of Abah's Landing. That's one step above the scum they scrape from ship hulls. Is there any other grand revelation before I call the guards?" Quen: "If you can barely stand him, then what does it hurt to hear us out? Go on, partner. Tell her." After talking to Magnifica Falorah: Magnifica Falorah: "I have indulged this madness for long enough." Yiskha: "Magnifica Falorah, are you almost ready? The guests are assembling within the palace!" Zeira: "Magnifica Falorah is indisposed! She'll be ready in just a moment." Magnifica Falorah: "Do you intend to keep me here? Look around, there's nowhere to go." Quen: "From what I've learned of Nicolas, he'd never let himself be cornered. We should look for hidden passages." At the wedding: Quen: "There's Nicolas … but I don't see Zeira." Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Today, Lord Cosh of Abah's Landing joins with Magnifica Falorah, the Jewel of Taneth." Zeira: "Stop! There is no honor in this union!" Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "What is this? Guards!" Cosh: "Zeira? You're alive? I... that is... what is the meaning of this?" Magnifica Falorah: "More importantly, why do you have the desecrated remains of my ancestor?" Quen: "The Iron Wheel is approaching. We have to leave, now!" Cosh: "There must be some mistake!" Magnifica Falorah: "Chief Inspector Rhanbiq, take everyone into custody. I want this mess sorted." Quen: "No! It's too late for Zeira. We need to go, now." Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "Iron Wheel, secure all exits! None shall leave the palace grounds. Question everyone here. Be thorough!" Cosh: "Falorah, my darling - I've been framed! I implore you to reconsider." |
Show: Prison Break |
After speaking to Silver-Claw:
Quen: "We know where Zeira is? Are we going to rescue her?" Velsa: "What do you mean "we?" I'm retired." Quen: "Zeira would do the same for any of us. Even you, Velsa." Walks-Softly. "The least we can do is hear out our acting guildmaster. So what is the plan?" Outside Nicolas's cell: Nicolas: "Ah, Walks-Softly. So good to see you again. How have you been?" Walks-Softly. "Hunted. Missing too many dead friends." Nicolas: "And Velsa as well? I thought you'd retired!" Velsa: "And I thought you were dead. Seems we were both disappointed." Nicolas: "And … who are you? I don't believe we've met." Quen: "I'm someone who knows better than to listen to your lies." Outside Zeira's cell: Quen: "Chief Inspector Rhanbiq?" Chief Inspector Rhanbiq: "The other thief? Surrender, all of you! The Iron Wheel is relentless. We serve a higher calling than gold or riches." <Velsa knocks Rhanbiq unconscious> Velsa: "What? He seemed the type to talk all day." Quen: "Zeira! You aren't the only prisoner we freed. They're on shore and itching to come back to the Thieves Guild." Velsa: "Yes, yes. A charming reunion. Open the cage so we can go." After freeing Zeira: Zeira: "Everyone, listen up! Quen, good work freeing the prisoners. There are a few more on this ship—break them out and send them topside." Quen: "Yes ma'am!" Zeira: "Good. We'll need them to strip this vessel and the docks of whatever they can carry. Velsa? Velsa: "Don't bark orders at me. I'll set traps near the prison door. Slow down any Iron Wheel come to check on the ship." Zeira: "Good thinking, Velsa. Everyone, be quick about your work. Don't linger or we'll end up back in a cell. Once you have all you can carry, grab a boat and row hard for Abah's Landing. Let's go!" After finishing the quest: Zeira: "As for the rest of you—I'm naming you as part of my Thieves Council. I'll need those I can trust in the coming months. Yes, even Velsa. "Councilor emeritus," if it suits you." Walks-Softly: "This calls for a drink. Or five. Where's Andarri?" Velsa: "Huzzah. Meaningless titles." Quen: "Don't be so … well, you." Malizah: "My apologies for interrupting. Your … "Lord Thrag" escorted me here? Magnifica Falorah requests Zeira call upon her at the earliest convenience." Zeira: "I'll have to celebrate later. Opportunity waits for none of us, whatever title we have." Velsa: "What would you have us do? Stare at one another until your return?" Quen: "What does it matter to you? Aren't you retired?" Velsa: "Semi-retired. And what would you suggest? Hold hands and sing songs?" Quen: "Hardly. The only tune you know is "grating."" Velsa: "I think I'm starting to like you." |
Show: A Double Life |
Quen: "You! Why do you have my father's things?" Lady Sulima: "Tu'whacca's breath! Saroldo's daughter stands before me. Why are you in Abah's Landing instead of your academy?" Quen: "I'm looking for my father! Why do you know who I am?" Lady Sulima: "My dear child … he's gone. When the Iron Wheel came for him, he fled to the rooftops. They gave chase and he fell. I'm so sorry." Quen: "You're lying!" Lady Sulima: "No, child. I grieve for him every day. He was the only person I ever loved." |
Show: His Greatest Treasure |
After killing the mercenaries:
Quen: "Those were Lady Sulima's mercenaries! What were they doing here?" Lady Sulima: "Quen? You weren't supposed to be here!" Quen: "Lady Sulima?" Lady Sulima: "This is all wrong! They weren't supposed to hurt anyone!" Quen: "Wait! Get back here!" If the Vestige lets Quen decide whether to forgive Sulima: Quen: "Living with fear … you lie, you steal … you worry if the ones you love can accept what you've become. Of course I forgive you, Lady Sulima." Lady Sulima: "Oh, my dear child! I don't deserve your forgiveness." Quen: "Hush, now. I'll bring you to a place where you'll be safe. It's where I live—and where you will, too." |
Notes left by Quen in the Thieves Den act like quest givers for Quen's questline.
His Greatest Treasure[]
I deciphered my father's ledger! Come by rooftop retreat when you have a moment.
PS: There is another mustard stain. No judgements!
- Partners in Crime
- "No, I understand. If you change your mind, I'll be here." — When first approaching her
- "Let's head to the manor—quick and silent." — Upon arriving at the Fulstrom Homestead
- "The sentries are Windhelm Guard, on loan from someone important. If they give chase, find a hiding spot." — At the Fulstrom Homestead
- "The water, between the two grates? Full of slaughterfish." — At the Fulstrom Homestead
- "That winch is a problem. One moment …." — At the gate
- "It's stuck! Hmm … try lifting the gate while I turn the winch?" — At the gate
- "That's it! I knew we'd make good partners." — Upon opening the gate
- "You did bring lockpicks, didn't you?" — At the Fulstrom Homestead
- "Hmm. Lockpicks won't work on those doors. Some sort of mechanism, maybe?" — Upon entering Fulstrom Manor House
- "Whoa! That's one clever thane. But not clever enough." — Upon finding the tumblers
- "Did you hear a click? I heard a click! Come on, let's go find the Giovessen Skull." — Upon solving the tumbler puzzle
- "There it is! It's so … shiny." — Upon finding the Giovessen Skull
- "Hold them off! I'll find another way out!" — If the Vestige opts to fight the Iron Wheel
- A Flawless Plan
- "Bit of a mess here. Maybe the clerk can tell us what happened?" — In Percius Loche's shop
- "You follow Loche's trail on the street. I'll see if I can spot him from the rooftops. Hurry!" — After speaking with Mamaea
- "Hurry! The Iron Wheel are on his trail!" — While looking for Percius Loche
- "Camels are cantankerous, smell quite poorly, and are too phlegmy for polite company. Just like my old professor of rhetoric." — Outside of Prince's Gate
- "For once, I'd like to travel to a remote location and not find the Iron Wheel." — At the tomb
- "We are standing inside a treasure vault. A real, actual treasure vault. Yes, yes … there's no actual treasure, but I can still say it, can't I?" — In the vault
- "What's wrong with that skeleton? Missing its head? Looks like it was hacked off. Must have been done by whoever stole the dowry … but why desecrate a skeleton?" — Upon examining the decapitated skeleton
- Forever Hold Your Peace
- "You look amazing." – At the palace gates, if she was chosen as the Vestige's date
- "I wish I could pull that off. Too many jangling bits. The moment I climbed a wall, I'd be my own alarm bell." – After Zeira tells Quen and the Vestige to look for Magnifica Falorah
- "A lot of servers coming from the palace kitchens. Maybe they have a key?" – While looking to get into the palace
- "Did that cabinet just … click?" – After solving the candle puzzle
- "Let's split up. I'll meet you at the Den. The others need to hear what happened." – At the palace's exit
- Prison Break
- "Do what you think is right, partner. I'll scout ahead." – After talking to her outside Nicolas's cell
- A Double Life
- "All right, it's open. Come on in." – Upon opening the gate
- "My father gave me that book when I was a child! At his last visit, he took it to have it re-bound. Why is it in this woman's home?" – Upon finding The Elf, the Egg, and the Almost-Dragon
- "I gave that to my father after a holiday in Skywatch. He kept it with him for luck. What is it doing here?" – Upon finding Saroldo's Portrait
- "I found something, too—a necklace with an old key. My father wore this, wherever he went! And if there's a key, there must be a lock …." – Upon finding both pieces of evidence
- "Over here!" – In the bedroom
- "I'll be outside." – After talking to Lady Sulima
- His Greatest Treasure
- "Wait … did you hear that?" – After digging up the treasure
- "I recognize them from Sulima Mansion! Why are they digging?" – After taking the treasure
This section contains bugs related to Quen. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- PC MAC If the 64-bit client is being used, Quens chestwear may disappear, exposing her breasts.
- This bug has now been fixed.