Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Mistress is right there."

Ra'Zahr is a Khajiit Slave living in Tel Branora. He is a Slave owned by Therana of House Telvanni and is forced to stay naked.


New Clothes[]

Therana will ask the Nerevarine to wear the skirt given to her by Felisa Ulessen in fear that it is cursed. The skirt can instead be given to Ra'Zahr. Therana will attack whoever is wearing the skirt regardless. Ra'Zahr can be saved if Calm Humanoid is cast on Therana.


New Clothes

new clothes "You want me to wear that skirt?"

Yes, wear it. "Give Ra'Zahr this skirt. Yes, Ra'Zahr wears the skirt."
Nevermind. "Ra'Zahr does whatever Nerevarine (Player name) says."

