Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Ragnar the Red or Rognar.
"Not many Nords would work for a Reachman, but Ainethach is a good man."

Ragnar is a Nord miner who works inside Sanuarach Mine and at the smelter outside the mine.


He resides in the Karthwasten Miner's Barracks. He is Ainethach's right-hand man and helps supervise the mines. He seems to greatly respect Ainethach, despite the latter being a Reachman.


Rescue Mission[]

Ragnar can also be involved in the radiant Companions quest "Rescue Mission," and is one of the possible characters that the Dragonborn must rescue.


  • "Ainethach is dead. What will happen to Karthwasten now?" —If Ainethach dies.
  • "I'm Ainethach's right-hand man. I help supervise the mines."
  • "Not many Nords would work for a Reachman, but Ainethach is a good man."
  • "Forsworn attacks are bad enough, but those sellswords are worse."
  • "You should talk to Ainethach if you have business with the mine. Not that there's much these days."


When will Sanuarach Mine be open?

Lash: "When will Sanuarach Mine be open?" Ragnar: "I don't know. Whenever those Silver-Blood men decide to leave."

Hunting Invitation

Lash: "I've been thinking, would you like to join me in hunting?" Ragnar: "You want me to hunt with you? I thought you preferred being alone." Lash: "Your arms and legs are fit for catching strong, agile prey. I could use your help." Ragnar: "I'd be honored, but I have work to do in the mines."

Don't need to hunt

Ragnar: "I haven't seen you hunting in a while." Lash: "I can afford to buy meat now. I prefer working in the mines, anyway."

What do you think of Orcs?

Lash: "Tell me, Ragnar, what do you think of the Orcs?" Ragnar: "Cunning warriors and skilled workers. It's good to have you here, Lash." Lash: "I asked what you thought of the Orcs, not about me." Ragnar: "Oh. I'm sorry. Well, it's good to have you here, anyway."

Strong Arms

Lash: "You have strong arms. You'd make a good Orc." Ragnar: "Um... thank you, Lash. You'd... make a fine Nord?" Lash: "Don't say words you don't mean."

Damn Nords

Belchimac: "Damn Nords. Always getting in the way of us honest folk." Ragnar: "What did you say? You lazy coward, I'll cut your throat." Belchimac: "Nothing, Ragnar. Please... don't hurt me." Ragnar: "I... I'm sorry, Belchimac. I didn't mean that."

Forsworn Killers

Ragnar: "You're always talking about the Forsworn. You aren't thinking of joining them, are you?" Belchimac: "Maybe I will. What do you think about that?" Ragnar: "I'm warning you. Those people are killers. You'd never last a day with them."

