Ralasa Delvi is a Dunmer residing in Sadrith Mora. She is the Mouth of Magister Gothren.
A Hireling of House Telvanni[]
Ralasa Delvi will represent Magister Gothren in opposing Sun-in-Shadow's promotion to hireling.
Objections and Obstacles[]
- A Hireling of House Telvanni
Ralasa Delvi: "Well, well … what brings a slave to our audience chamber?" Eraven Onthim: "I bring tidings from my august patron, Magister Therana. She would have your masters know that this slave, Sun-in-Shadow, has earned her favor." Ralasa Delvi: "What? Magister Therana would lend her good name to this … thing? Preposterous!" Angharal Suth: "Ralasa, don't be as tiresome as your master." Vaelin Oren: "Can we move this along, please?" Eraven Onthim: "Very well. Magister Therana, by right of rank, demands that the slave girl, Sun-in-Shadow, be freed from her bonds and raised up to a Hireling of the Great House Telvanni. She belongs to Magister Otheri, does she not?" Angharal Suth: "Indeed. My most beneficent patron, Magister Otheri, acquiesces to Magister Therana's demands. He is confident that Therana will remember this kindness in the future. Sun-in-Shadow, you are hereby freed and lifted up to the rank of hireling." Ralasa Delvi: "My most majestic patron, Magister Gothren, warns you all. Lift up one of these beasts and a thousand more will follow. This is folly!" Llayne Sadri: "If there's nothing else? I have urgent business in Tel Mora." Eraven Onthim: "You've done well, girl. Do come by in a day or so. I may have some work for you."
- Objections and Obstacles
Ralasa Delvi: "My patron, Magister Gothren, opposes any further honors for the slave girl. Oh look, the lizard sent a representative. Such pretensions." Angharal Suth: "Approach, emissary. You may inform your benefactress, Sun-in-Shadow, that the Council has elected to reject her petition." Ralasa Delvi: "Be sure to add that all further petitions will meet the same fate. Cats and lizards have no place in our Great House." Eraven Onthim: "Honestly, Ralasa …." Angharal Suth: "Don't worry, Ralasa. The emissary will give Sun-in-Shadow a full account of this meeting. I have no doubt."
- Objections and Obstacles
- "So, the lizard thinks she can kill me? Come on then!" – When initiating combat