Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Raynor Vanos is a Dunmer researcher who specializes in Dwemer machinery. He works alongside his sister, Kireth Vanos. They can often be found at Dwemer Ruins around Tamriel. A self-described genius, Vanos is the creator of the Spider Control Rod, an artifact capable of taming Dwarven Spiders.[1]


The Dungeon Delvers[]


The Light Fantastic[]


In Search of Kireth Vanos[]


Kireth's Amazing Plan[]


The Shackled Guardian[]


The Library of Dusk[]

The Vestige is tasked to save a group of scholars trapped in the Library of Dusk.

The Final Assault[]

The Vestige is tasked to destroy the Planar Vortex and end the Planemeld.

An Unexpected Fall OR[]

Raynor's sister Kireth has fallen into Zthenganaz. Raynor will ask the Vestige to save her, and to recover a Dwarven Power Core while there.

Tinker Trouble OR[]

Raynor has used the Dwarven Power Core from Zthenganaz to create a Dwarven Sphere, but it has gone haywire.

Parts of the Whole[]


The Tones of the Deep[]



Ebonheart Pact Regions[]

Neutral Regions[]

This list is incomplete; help us expand it.


Show: In Search of Kireth Vanos

"Sorry, I'm a little busy here and— Wait, it's you! You helped Kireth and I in Bthanual. It's good to see you again! Things didn't go so well for us after those ruins, so we're up north now. Kireth still talks about those light crystals, though."

What are you doing here? "My sister Kireth and I traveled from Morrowind in search of forgotten lore and ancient relics. The scholars at Shad Astula laughed at us and the Mages Guild ignores us, but we're going to find something they can't ignore."
Need any help? "Well, my sister went into the ruins and hasn't returned yet. She can take care of herself, but I'm starting to get worried. Kireth keeps a journal, but she's hard on her books. Always loses pages. Follow the pages and they'll lead you right to her!"
I'll find your sister.
Show: Kireth's Amazing Plan
After talking to his sister:

"What do you think? Kireth trusts you, so I do, too."

What do you want to do with the orb? "We've been working to get recognized for years. Up until now, our discoveries have been curiosities, not important findings. Information on how the Dwemer used soul gems in their constructs, though? No one could ignore that kind of a finding."
I think you've got the right idea "I do, don't I? Thank you, friend. Kireth and I will be able to force the Mages Guild to accept us. For that matter, we could even go back to Shad Astula if we wanted to!

Could you talk to Kireth about this. I don't want to upset her."
Let me talk to Kireth before I make my decision.

After siding with Kireth:

"You gave the orb to my sister? I hope you had a good reason."

Kireth is right. You don't need anyone's approval. "You really think so? She has been talking about how stuffy the mages are. How they'd hamper our creativity. It's just … hard to let go, I guess. Well, I guess this is exciting. And thanks for all your help, by the way. I really appreciate it."
Show: The Shackled Guardian

"Thank Kyne! A familiar face. How did you know to come here, my friend?"

What are you running from? "Worm Cult! They're everywhere.
Kireth - my sister, I mean - led a team here to investigate the ruin. We were this close to breaking into the barrow when the Worms attacked. I ran as fast as I could!"
You just left Kireth and the others behind? "Of course not! Well, maybe. But then the Companions showed up. They fought the cult to a standstill. The man who leads them, Narir, is back at our camp.
I came out here to find help, of course. Yes. Help like you!"
I'll find Narir and see what I can do.
Show: The Library of Dusk

"<Raynor Vanos ignores you.>"

Can you hear me? "Hmm? Oh, sorry. This book is so engrossing. Could we talk later?"
You need to get out of here. "I said I'm reading. Go bother someone with an intellect closer to your own level. I'm sure Lady Clarisse and that Altmer artificer would be happy to listen to your inane ramblings."
Do I need to go get your sister? [?]
[Persuade] Look around. This isn't a normal library. It's affecting your mind. "I don't know what … wait! You're right. This place radiates Daedric magic. I can feel it in the back of my skull. We need to free the others!
Find Lady Clarisse. I remember. She realized something important before we were drawn into the spell."
Will you be all right? "I think so. I can still feel the spell tugging at my mind, though. Just in case, Kireth and I are going to our camp outside of the ruins.
But I'm worried about the others. Since the spell doesn't seem to affect you, can you look for Lady Laurent?"
What happened in here? "Lady Laurent, Telenger, and I decided to take advantage of our good fortune and explore this old library. The possible gain in knowledge far outweighed any risk involved. But as soon as we stepped inside, the spell started to take hold."
You should get to safety. "Thanks! Kireth and I will head for our camp outside the ruins. Meet us there after you find Lady Laurent and the artificer."
Show: An Unexpected Fall

Kireth, are you alright? You can't expect me to go down there. You know I can't stand small spaces. Well, this is fortuitous. You'll never believe what my sister Kireth has gotten herself into this time. I swear, she does these things just to vex me.

Do you need help with something? Thank goodness you came by! My sister Kireth and I were surveying the area, trying to get the measure of this Dwarven ruin. I turned my back for a single moment and Kireth fell into that hole. Or jumped in, for all I know. It happened so fast.

Sounds like a hazardous business. Oh, you have no idea! Especially the way Kireth operates. We're on the verge of a major Dwemer discovery. That's why the king invited us here. We're experts, you know. Could you rescue my sister? I'd help, but I don't do that sort of thing.
I'll find your sister. Kireth knows better than to jump into strange holes. She knows I can't abide small, dark spaces.
Did you come all the way to Wrothgar just to survey ancient ruins? Well, yes. Kireth likes to say that we're dungeon-delvers, but I prefer to think of myself as the world's foremost expert on Dwarven artifacts. When the king invited leaders in their fields to come to Wrothgar, we jumped at the opportunity.
Other researchers haven't studied these ruins before? You'd be surprised that many so-called scholars refuse to travel to dangerous places. But that's usually where the best sites are locates! And then there are the Orcs. Most of the explorers that we know tend to find the Orcs to be ... intimidating.

At the end of the quest: "My sister tells me you found her. She immediately put you to work, didn't she? She's always been good at getting people to help her out. So tell me, what did she send you off to find? Some shiny bauble to add to her collection?"

Actually, she asked me to acquire a Dwarven power core for you. "A power core? For me? For all her rough edges, my sister does have a good heart. Thank you for acquiring this for me. With a little tinkering, I'm sure I can use it to complete one of my many Dwemer-related experiments. This power core contains an enormous amount of energy. Think of the applications it can be used for! My mind literally reels at the possibilities!"
Show: Tinker Trouble
Upon finding him:

"This isn't good. The sphere's core is deteriorating at an alarming rate. If I don't reach it soon— Oh, hello there! Nothing to see here. Feel free to move along. We can catch up later, say, back in Orsinium? Over drinks?"

It's all right, Raynor. Kireth sent me to find you. "Kireth! Then the sphere didn't hurt her too badly? Thank the Three for that! Wait a moment … is that the modified energy detection and absorption rod? It is! That's just what we need to repair the sphere!"
Your sister called it a lightning prod. "I think Kireth refuses to employ the correct terminology just to annoy me. But I suppose that's what sisters do. No matter, though. She always comes through in the end. Now that we have the rod, we can repair the sphere and set things right."
Repair it? Kireth said we need to disable the Dearven sphere. "Disable my latest creation? After I went to all this trouble? Why in the world would we do that? It will be a simple enough matter to use the rod to absorb the power core's excess energy. Then the sphere should settle down and behave. Theoretically."
Theoretically? "When it comes to Dwemer technology, everything is theoretical. But I am an expert on the subject, so my theories are better than most. The faulty power core drove the sphere crazy with excess energy. Once we drain that energy, it will be fine."
So you want me to find the sphere and use the rod to drain the excess energy? "Exactly! Use the rod to detect the sphere's energy discharge and expose an after-image. You can follow that directly to the sphere. When you find the sphere, use the rod to drain the excess energy. But don't attack the sphere. That would be … bad."
What do you mean, "bad?" "Bad as in really bad. Do you know what happens if you breach the seal of the power core while you're hacking and bashing at the sphere? Well, immediately unleashing all that energy would rearrange the local landscape in a very explosive fashion."
What are you going to do? "If I know my sister, she's right behind you with my tinkering tools. I'm going to need them to repair the sphere. You go ahead. Once Kireth arrives, we'll follow. Just be careful. There's no telling what the sphere will do in its current condition."

Upon recovering the sphere:

"Look at this little guy! He's not a metal monster, no matter what Kireth may think. He was just drunk on the excess energy the damaged power core was giving off. I'll have him fixed up in no time!"

Do you still want to repair the sphere? "Of course! Why would I want to do anything else? With a few minor adjustments, this little sphere will be as good as new!"
I don't think Kireth agrees with you on this one. "My sister! I suppose she wants to destroy the poor thing. Hit it! That's her solution to every problem! But important research can be dangerous. Real scholars understand and accept that."
If we were to fix the sphere, how would we go about it? "Just give me the lightning prod and I'll take care of it. I can alter the frequency of the rod to recalibrate the sphere's energy dampeners to better regulate the amount of energy flowing through it. Simple as making a kwama egg omelette, really."
All right. Let's repair the Dwarven sphere. [?]
I should discuss this with Kireth before I make a decision.
Show: Parts of the Whole

Ah, there you are! You'll be on your way to Zthenganaz soon, yes? I'm sorry if I seem impatient. I'm just anxious to begin these new experiments in earnest. The last one was ... explosive. Don't look at me like that. You aren't my sister!

Excuse me? Right. Sorry. It's just my sister, Kireth. She blames me for everything. Is it my fault I turned our playpen into a spring-trap as a child? Of course not! And how was I to know increasing the exothermic output of our oven tenfold would be bad?

I ... don't know? Of course you don't! And neither does Kireth. She was just a toddler at the time. Well, so was I, but there you have it - my brilliance couldn't be contained, even as a youth. Ah, but that's in the past - now we look to the future! You have my orb?
Guruzug gave it to me. Excellent. Take it to Zthenganaz and use it on any of the Dwarven automata you find - oh, except that cursed Guardian. Won't work on it. Alas. The orb should stun the machines and collect the readings I need. Bring it back here when you're done.
He said you wanted the Guardian dead, too. Yes, I'm afraid so. A tragic but necessary loss. Somehow, I think it was able to interfere with my earlier experiments. Destroying it should disrupt the Dwarven frequency distortion, allowing me to ... sorry. In brief, yes - destroy it. Good luck!
Show: Long Live the King

"Kireth's plan worked, just like she said it would. I'm really quite surprised. 'Just walk in and act like you belong,' she said. They even handed me a drink! I can't remember when I had such fun."

Show: Honest Work

"Ah, finally a turn of good fortune! You have a knack for arriving at just the right moment. You'll have no problem convincing these clods to hire us forthwith. Honestly, I'm extremely overqualified, but I'll take whatever employment you can secure."

If you were bound for Hammerfell, how did you end up in Anvil? "Hammerfell, Anvil - why does everything in this part of the world sounds like it belongs in a smithy? Look, it was an honest mistake on my part. The captain claimed to be a proper sailor and I took him at his word."

So the ship's captain sailed you to the wrong port? "I'm an artificer. If you ask me to recalibrate a Dwarven power core, I'll ask you to what voltage. But determining where the captain made an error in his navigational calculations? You might as well ask me to charm the wings off a harpy."

I could charter a ship for you. "We're dungeon-delvers, not paupers! Kireth and I won't accept charity, no matter how you present it to us. We'll earn our own way. Just find someone who's willing to hire us and let us do some honest work."

Any idea who might be interested in hiring you? "My letter of introduction opens doors throughout Morrowind, but this isolated hamlet? I inquired with the blacksmith, but he wanted brawn, not brains. There was also the angler, but we were unable to agree on terms."

There must be someone interested in your particular talents. "You'd think so, wouldn't you? The Anvil Repository has a reputation for serving its clients ... poorly. I offered my skills as a bookkeeper, but the proprietor rejected me. If she reconsiders, I'd make a valuable addition to her team."

After finding jobs for Kireth and Raynor:

"You took your time. I was starting to get worried. But tell me, were you successful? Have you secured gainful employment for Kireth and myself?"

I found jobs for both of you. You can start immediately. "Immediately? That seems rather sudden. Oh, very well. Kireth, did you hear? We can earn enough gold to continue our journey. It just requires someone these depraved pirates could understand. Oh, I don't mean to imply that you're depraved, my friend."

I spoke to Frunda. She's agreed to let you balance the bank's accounts. "Not the most exciting use of my talents, but tallying numbers beats hauling a load of metal ingots any day. Thank you for convincing the usurer to hire me. Even a single entry in the wrong column can spell disaster for a financial institution."
She can't wait for you to get to it.

After talking to him again:

"I'm eager to learn what kind of position you secured for Kireth, but she should hear it from you first."

If talked to after talking to Kireth:

"Just a few more days of honest work and we're off to Sentinel. My sister and I really do appreciate everything you've done for us. And, I suppose, we've been stuck in worse places than Anvil."

Show: Anvil Repository

"Just between us, the bank's ledgers are a total mess. Poorly organized, missing entries, handwriting I can't decipher - it makes me itchy just thinking about it! It's good you convinced them to hire me. I'll have these accounts balanced in to time!"

Did exploring Bthanual help advance your career? "Oh, devinitely! Once word that I perfected a working control rob started to spread, we began to receive offers from across the land. That's why we're going to Sentinel. A patron offered to fund our expedition of a newly discovered Dwemer ruin."

What happened with the memory orb we found in Mzulft? "Oh, you know how it is with discoveries such as these. It takes a lot of effort to produce any meaningful results. And Kireth usually leaves that kind of work to me."

Did the information in the orb help you with the Mages Guild? "I guess you could say that. It showed them that we do have a few skills when it comes to dungeons and delving. Still, we decided to retain our independence. We've taken on a contract or two from the Mages Guild, but we aren't under their thumb."

I thought you and Kireth would've stayed in Wrothgar for a while. "Orsinium was an interesting city with a great museum, but it was time for us to move on. I know King Kurog did some terrible things, but I didn't feel right sticking around after he died. We were there at his invitation, after all."


Kireth's Amazing Plan[]

Raynor Vanos: "Ah, I hoped I'd find you two down here. I repaired the lift. What did you find?"
Kireth Vanos "Raynor, this device fills up glass orbs with old lore, like filling a decanter with fine wine!"
Raynor Vanos: "A memory device? You found one that works?"
Kireth Vanos "It's intact. But we need a glass orb to see if it actually works."
Raynor Vanos: "Did you figure out what kind of lore the device contains?"
Kireth Vanos "I see two important bits of lore. One explains how Dwemer used soul gems to power their constructs. The other contains a map of Dwemer ruins across Tamriel."
Raynor Vanos: "Soul gems? That knowledge would open a lot of doors for us. A lot of doors."
Kireth Vanos "But think about what we can do with those maps! Access to every ruin. Those are the doors we should be opening!"
Raynor Vanos: "Are you suggesting that we become common … treasure hunters? Well, think how famous we'll become if we bring both bits of lore to the Mages Guild."
Kireth Vanos "I don't think we can, brother. I think there's only enough power in this device to make one imprinting."
Raynor Vanos: "But we've worked so hard to get them to listen to us. This is our chance, sister."
Kireth Vanos "I'm not sure. But our friend here has found an orb we can use. Hey! What do you think we should do?"


Tinker Trouble
  • "Kireth, what did you do that for? You destroyed my sphere!" – If he Vestige decides the sphere should be destroyed.


