Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Reeling in Recruits is a repeatable prologue quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Vestige is aksed by Jee-Lar to go to a city in each of the three Alliances' territories to post handbills and perform dances that will attract recruits to join Cyrodilic Collections on their expedition to Murkmire. The quest is available after completing the initial Murkmire prologue quest "The Cursed Skull" and can be repeated once a day.


Jee-Lar asked me to help recruit adventurers to join Cyrodilic Collections' expedition to Murkmire. Posting recruitment handbills and performing a traditional Argonian dance will help drum up interest.


  1. Recruit at the Flaming Nix in Mournhold
  2. Recruit at the Salted Wings in Vulkhel Guard
  3. Recruit at the Screaming Mermaid in Stros M'Kai
  4. Talk to Jee-Lar


Talk to Jee-Lar in Stormhold, Shadowfen, next to Nielsold's Steeds by the wayshrine to begin the quest. He will explain that few adventurers are agreeing to Cyrodilic Collections on its expedition and he wants you to go to three different taverns to post handbills and perform a traditional Argonian dance to attract attention.

What can I do to help? ""Ah, the tasks are many and the workers are few. I told many adventurers about our expedition—about the great discoveries and constant mortal danger, but few agree to join us. Odd. Anyway, I am sure you will have better luck."

What do you need me to do? "Visit the taverns in Mournhold, Stros M'Kai, and Vulkhel Guard. Post these handbills near the entrance to each. The trick is getting people to notice. If you put on these dancing leathers and perform an Argonian reel, that will get some attention!"
All right, I will post these handbills and dance outside the three taverns.

After speaking with Jee-Lar, you will need to go to all three of the designated taverns in any order: The Flaming Nix in Mournhold, Deshaan; the Salted Wings in Vulkhel Guard, Auridon; and the Screaming Mermaid in Port Hunding, Stros M'Kai. Go to the entrance of each tavern and place the recruitment handbills. Once one has been placed, you will be able to start a traditional Argoninan reel after automatically putting on a set of Argonian dancing leathers. Once the dance has been completed, people will come to examine the handbill, and you can move on to the next location.

Once a handbill has been placed and a dance has been performed at all three locations, you can return to Jee-Lar to complete the quest. Another Cyrodilic Collections quest will become available the next time the daily server clock resets.

"You return! Was your task a success?"

I posted the handbills and performed the Argonian reel at all three taverns. ""Yes I know! I've already received applications from several adventurers who watched your performance in Mournhold. Quite a spectacle, I hear! Thank you for all your help. Please, take this. Cyrodilic Collections grows stronger by the day!"



Reeling in Recruits
Journal Entry
I should post handbills and dance in costume outside the Salted Wings in Vulkhel Guard, the Flaming Nix in Mournhold, and the Screaming Mermaid in Stros M'Kai
  • Objective: Recruit at the Flaming Nix in Mournhold
  • Objective: Recruit at the Salted Wings in Vulkhel Guard
  • Objective: Recruit at the Screaming Mermaid in Stros M'Kai
I completed my final dance. I should return to Jee-Lar to claim my payment.
  • Objective: Talk to Jee-Lar
  • Quest Complete


  • Completing 1, 10, and 30 repeatable quests for Cyrodilic Collections will grant the Cyrodilic Collections Associate, Agent, and Champion achievements, respectively.

