Reezal-Jul is an Argonian necromancer member of House Montclair. Influential formerly to King Ranser and then to Montclair, he is an influential player and manipulator of the nobles of Rivenspire.
Shornhelm Divided[]
The Vestige discovers that Reezal-Jul is plotting to use the caverns underneath Shornhelm to transport an army of Bloodfiends and Vampires into the city, overwhelming the defenders. The Vestige and Count Verandis manage to destroy the portal, but Reezal-Jul escapes.
Dream-Walk Into Darkness[]
Through reliving Verandis' memories, the Vestige learns that Reezal-Jul served as court mage and adviser to Baron Montclair. When Montclair's wife Leila fell mortally ill and refused Verandis' offer to make her a Vampire, Reezal-Jul offered an alternative: he had in his possession a fragment of an Aylied relic known as the Lightless Relic, and claimed it could heal Leila. Desperate, Montclair agreed, for a while it seemed as if the relic indeed worked, but as time passed Leila's health began to falter once again. In desperation, Montclair, Verandis, Leila, Lleraya and Reezal-Jul ventured to the Doomcrag, where the remains of the Lightless Remnant lay. He was turned into a Vampire by the relic alongside Montclair and Lleraya.
The Blood-Splattered Shield[]
After fleeing Shornhelm, Reezal-Jul attacks the village of Crestshade, slaughtering most of its population and using their bodies to craft a powerful Flesh Atronarch. A small group of survivors manage to escape thanks to the efforts of Captain Janeve, but Reezal-Jul launches a massive attack on the refugee camp and captures Janeve, turning her into a Vampire. The Vestige and Countess Tamrith track down Reezal-Jul in Shadowfate Cavern and finally slay him. His journal reveals that he had known the truth of the Lightless Remnant from the start, and manipulated Montclair into awakening its power as part of his plan to take revenge on the Daggerfall Covenant for King Ranser's death.
A Traitor's Tale[]
In a flashback, Reezal-Jul is mentioned by General Dathieu as one of King Ranser's mages who seem to have influenced King Ranser to go mad and hold out of Traitor's Tor against the orcs.
- Dream-Walk Into Darkness
"This is hopeless! Baron Montclair forces me to mix concoctions that I know won't do any good. If he'd just listen to me, I could show him exactly how to heal his wife and end her suffering."
- What are you talking about? "I am talking about knowledge and ancient magic. I am talking about the forgotten arts of the Ayleids themselves. Would you deny our lady any chance for a cure, no matter what the source?"
- I want to see the Baroness healed with all my heart. "I happen to possess an Ayleid relic—or at least a shard from one. But the Baron won't listen to me, especially since our lady started refusing my help. If I give you this stone, will you present it to the Baron? He listens to you, my friend."
- Get the shard. I'll convince Wylon to use it. "I knew I could count on you, Verandis Ravenwatch."
- I want to see the Baroness healed with all my heart. "I happen to possess an Ayleid relic—or at least a shard from one. But the Baron won't listen to me, especially since our lady started refusing my help. If I give you this stone, will you present it to the Baron? He listens to you, my friend."
After speaking to Baroness Leila Montclair after she is "cured":
"Fascinating, isn't it? To think that such a tiny rock could hold so much power. Can you feel it? It's like it's calling to me. Like the moons call to the tides. Imagine what the relic it came from could do!"
- Why didn't you give the stone to Montclair? Why have me do it? "The Baron wasn't listening to me. We needed someone he trusted more, had more faith in. That someone was you, Count Verandis. Now the Baroness is on the mend and House Montclair has returned to a state of contented bliss."
- The stone isn't enough. Leila is still sick. "Well, that's unfortunate. But it is only a small piece of a grander relic, isn't it? I've been studying the Ayleid manuscripts. There may be more we can do for the poor Baroness."
- Spit it out, Argonian, and speak plainly. "I found the stone among the effects of King Ranser's royal historian, back when I served in Ranser's court. She had quite an intriguing collection, including the Ayleid manuscripts that I've been translating. Perhaps you can check my work?"
- Where are the Ayleid manuscripts? "The manuscripts are locked away, but I left my notes in your library. A few phrases stood out sa I translated—Life, Death, Crag. I'm sure they mean something. Take a look and see what you think. Perhaps the text can lead us to the greater relic."
- Spit it out, Argonian, and speak plainly. "I found the stone among the effects of King Ranser's royal historian, back when I served in Ranser's court. She had quite an intriguing collection, including the Ayleid manuscripts that I've been translating. Perhaps you can check my work?"
- The stone isn't enough. Leila is still sick. "Well, that's unfortunate. But it is only a small piece of a grander relic, isn't it? I've been studying the Ayleid manuscripts. There may be more we can do for the poor Baroness."
- Doomcrag Ritual
Baron Wylon Montclair: "Have no fear, my darling Leila. Soon the light will wash away your pain."
Reezal-Jul: "It's going to work, Baron. The power of this ancient Ayleid remnant ... it's almost overwhelming."
Lleraya: "You're going to be all right, Mother. Just hold on."
Baron Wylon Montclair: "The remnant will make you like new, my love! You'll be reborn!"
Lleraya: "Something's ... happening. I feel ... the power!"
Baroness Leila Montclair: "Wylon! Something feels ... wrong ...."
Baron Wylon Montclair: "Verandis, we need you! We need your power! Quickly! Touch the relic and help us!"
[After Verandis joins]
Baron Wylon Montclair: "Anyamis alata! Malatua latta mitta jorane mori! Vasha anya belda sancre!"
Lleraya: "Father .... what ... what's hapening to us?"
Reezal-Jul: "It's working! It's working! Soon the power will be ours to command!"
Baroness Leila Montclair: "No! What ... what have you done? This isn't me! I ... I never wanted this! Please, Verandis. Help me! Make it stop! I ... I can't stand the pain. End this, Verandis. End this before I ... arrgh!"
Baron Wylon Montclair: "No! Verandis! What did you do to Leila? What did you do? You'll pay for that, vampire! I have the power now. Nothing can stop me from reaching out and snapping ..."
Gwendis: "Verandis? Montclair, no! Come on, Verandis, we need to get out of here!"
- Reezal-Jul's end
Reezal-Jul: "Feast, my children! Feast on bones and blood!" Countess Eselde Tamrith: "If you hurt my sister, I'll kill you myself!"
- "I have no time to deal with these fools. Kill them. Kill them all!" – During "Shornhelm Divided"
- "Arise, my children! Attack!" – During "The Blood-Splattered Shield"