Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Regulus Terentius, Count Bravil. Good of you to introduce yourself, stranger, but no point, really. I'm the count, and you have no business talking to the count, right? Good. All straightened out. Off with you then."
―Regulus Terentius[src]

Count Regulus Terentius resides in Castle Bravil. He was once a tournament champion, only to become known as a drunkard and a ne'er-do-well.

His son, Gellius Terentius, is a skooma addict who frequently visits the Skooma Den in the town. Skooma is a popular trade item in Bravil; the dealers will tolerate the Count as long as he does not interfere with them.


Allies for Bruma[]

The Hero can choose to close the Oblivion Gate southeast of Bravil. After the gate is closed, the Count will assign Viera Lerus to aid in the fight at Bruma.


"Regulus Terentius, Count Bravil. Good of you to introduce yourself, stranger, but no point, really. I'm the count, and you have no business talking to the count, right? Good. All straightened out. Off with you then."

Bravil "Yes, yes, Count of Bravil. Are you a foreigner? Do yourself a favor. Learn the basics about the places you visit. There. Problem solved."
Allies for Bruma

"Regulus Terentius, Count Bravil. I'm really rather busy, and I doubt that you have anything to say that I need to hear."

Aid for Bruma "I wish I could help. I understand the need to help defend the heir to the throne. It is a duty we all share. But with an Oblivion Gate threatening Bravil, I need all my soldiers here."
Bravil "I won't risk my Guard attacking that infernal Oblivion Gate. We'll hold the walls and hope for the best."
Chancellor Ocato "He thinks to use his position as head of the Elder Council to make himself Emperor. He will not succeed."

After closing the Gate:

"It was you that closed that Oblivion Gate, wasn't it? That was a brave thing to do!"

Aid for Bruma "Thank you for closing the Oblivion Gate that was threatening Bravil. I will send my guard captain, Viera Lerus, to Bruma's aid."
Aid for Bruma "I've sent Captain Lerus to Bruma. She is one of my best soldiers. I'm glad to be able to help defend the heir to the throne."

If Viera Lerus is killed:

Aid for Bruma "I would like to send help, but unfortunately my guard is short-handed with the death of Captain Lerus. I need all my soldiers at home right now."

