Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Ring of Phynaster.
"The Ring of Phynaster was made hundreds of years ago by a person who needed good defenses to survive his adventurous life. Thanks to the Ring, Phynaster lived for hundreds of years, and since then it has passed from person to person. The ring improves its wearer's overall resistance to damage and grants total immunity to poison, spells, and electricity. Still, Phynaster was cunning and said to have cursed the Ring. It eventually disappears from its holder's possessions and returns to another resting place, uncontent to stay anywhere but with Phynaster himself."
―In-game description[src]

The Ring of Phynaster is an artifact that can be found in the province of Summerset. It is blessed with the effects of Shield, Resist Poison, Spell Shield, and Resist Shock.

