- "Damn Watchman. I bet they're all crooked."
- ―Ruslan[src]
Ruslan is a Redguard commoner residing in his home in the Temple District of the Imperial City.
Ruslan was a victim of Audens Avidius's criminal activity. Audens exploits his position as a captain of the guard to rob the citizens and shopkeepers. While at Jensine's "Good As New" Merchandise, Audens came in and accused Ruslan and his friend Luronk gro-Glurzog of theft. Despite Jensine telling him they didn't do anything wrong, he threatened them with jail time.
Imperial Corruption[]
Both Ruslan and Luronk may start a quest upon being spoken to. Ruslan is looking for a few septims to make it until his next payday. When asked why he is begging, he will explain that he was robbed by one of the guard captains. He doesn't know the name of the guard but he knows his face.
Itius Hayn is willing to arrest Audens, but he needs at least two people to come forward as witnesses, something everybody is to afraid to do. With a high Disposition, Ruslan can be convinced to press charges.
"Have you seen my friend Luronk? I'm worried about him."
- Imperial City "You're very curious. Perhaps too curious for your own good."
"Damn Watchman. I bet they're all crooked."
"Hey stranger, can you spare a few coins? I've just been shaken down by that bastard watchman and he took my last septim."
- Corrupt Imperial Watchman "I don't know his name, but I'd recognize him if I saw him again. Luronk and I were shopping at Jensine's when he accused us of stealing. Even Jensine said we were innocent, but he didn't care. We had to pay his "fine" or go to jail."
- Why didn't Jensine report him? "He's shaken down most of the shopkeepers in the Market District. They're all too afraid of him to do anything. Jensine wouldn't even talk about it. Someone ought to do something about him."
- Take three. I have plenty to spare. "Blessings of Akatosh upon you!"
- Sorry. I'm broke myself. "I don't get paid until tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to wait to eat 'til then."
"Take my advice. Stay away from the Watchmen."
After progressing through the quest:
"I've heard that you've been asking around about that corrupt guard. Just don't mention my name. I have enough problems."
- Testify against Audens Avidius "You've convinced me. If I don't stand up to him, who will? I just hope I'm not committing suicide."
- "I'm going to keep a low profile for a while."