S'rashi is a Khajiit debt collector working on behalf of the Midnight Union. He is found in his office, located on the second floor of the Cloudy Dregs Inn. His brother, M'jaddha, is worried for his safety due to his recent short-comings in his duties recently.
The Debt Collector's Debts[]
M'jaddha asks the Vestige to go to S'rashi inside the Cloudy Dregs and help him with his trouble with the Midnight Union. S'rashi asks the Vestige to help him collect enough money from three people around Wayrest who owes him to pay off his debts to Count Hosni at-Tura.
The Debt Collector's Debts[]
When first talking to him:
"Oh no! It's you. Have you come from Hosni? Please. Please have mercy. S'rashi promises to have Hosni's gold soon, but S'rashi cannot get Hosni's gold if he's dead. Tell S'rashi you've not come to kill him."
- Your brother asked me to help you. "Ha! S'rashi's brother's so kind! Abandons and asks a stranger to take his place. He's soon chasing sweetmeat in Senchal. No one cares for S'rashi. Brothers should be loyal. You owe S'rashi nothing, but S'rashi will pay for help, yes?"
- That sounds reasonable. "S'rashi owes debts but is also owed debts. There are three in the city who have gold that should be S'rashi's. First is a gambler, next is a nobleman, and the last is a smuggler. You help S'rashi collect and S'rashi pays generous percentage."
- I'll do it. Just tell me where to find them. "S'rashi has marked where you can find these debtors on the map. Start with the gambler, Louis Ervine. Ervine owes S'rashi the most money. S'rashi needs money from the others too, but search for them after Ervine."
- Can you tell me more about the debtors? "You are helping S'rashi, yes? Then S'rashi will tell you anything… well, almost anything. You would like to know about the gambler, the nobleman, or the smuggler? Just ask and S'rashi will tell."
- Tell me more about the gambler. "Ervine. Louis Ervine. He is a nice man, but a little dungy, and he has no sense. Keeps making bets even when he's lost everything. S'rashi feels sorry for Ervine, but forgives his debt for too long. S'rashi must collect now to save his own skin."
- How did this nobleman end up in debt? "These upper class turn their noses up at S'rashi until they need S'rashi's help. Padier Nytte comes from old family, very rich, but not anymore. Nytte says he has no money to pay S'rashi back, but S'rashi thinks Nytte is lying."
- What kind of smuggler are we talking about? "Captain Marck. Very smart man. Smuggles weapons, skooma, whatever makes him gold, yes? Marck lost his ship though. Borrowed money for a new one. S'rashi needs money back now."
- Captain Marck? I met him in Alcaire. "You know Captain Marck? Very good. Then you'll have an easier time convincing him to pay S'rashi back."
- Can you tell me more about the debtors? "You are helping S'rashi, yes? Then S'rashi will tell you anything… well, almost anything. You would like to know about the gambler, the nobleman, or the smuggler? Just ask and S'rashi will tell."
- I'll do it. Just tell me where to find them. "S'rashi has marked where you can find these debtors on the map. Start with the gambler, Louis Ervine. Ervine owes S'rashi the most money. S'rashi needs money from the others too, but search for them after Ervine."
- That sounds reasonable. "S'rashi owes debts but is also owed debts. There are three in the city who have gold that should be S'rashi's. First is a gambler, next is a nobleman, and the last is a smuggler. You help S'rashi collect and S'rashi pays generous percentage."
After speaking with Captain Albert Marck:
"You return, and sooner than S'rashi expected! You have S'rashi's gold? Please say you have S'rashi's gold."
- Captain Marck asked for more time. "If S'rashi had time, he would gladly give it to the captain, but S'rashi's own hide is on the line too. S'rashi has to have the money, one way or another."
- [Persuade] Killing Captain Marck isn't going to get you the money either. [?]
- How much to pay off the captain's debt? [347
] [?]
- Isn't there any other way to settle his debt? "S'rashi likes Captain Marck, but debt must be paid in gold, or in blood. Hm. There is another walker in Wayrest who owes S'rashi a blood debt— the Redguard assassin Ramziq. If you kill Ramziq, S'rashi will forgive Marck."
- Where do I find this Redguard assasin? "Ramziq has been hiding, but S'rashi knows where. She's in a home just down the street in the market. Be careful though. Ramziq is a very dangerous warrior woman, and she knows S'rashi will send someone after her."
- I'll be back when she's dead. "S'rashi wants to help Captain Marck too, but S'rashi must pay Midnight Union boss, yes? Help S'rashi get the money he needs and all will be well."
- Where do I find this Redguard assasin? "Ramziq has been hiding, but S'rashi knows where. She's in a home just down the street in the market. Be careful though. Ramziq is a very dangerous warrior woman, and she knows S'rashi will send someone after her."
After killing Ramziq:
"You have helped S'rashi when S'rashi's own brother abandoned him, and S'rashi is very grateful. S'rashi can now pay money to Midnight Union boss, save his skin, yes?"
- Yes. You should be able to clear things up with your boss now. "Yes. S'rashi is very relieved and boss will be happy. You are a better enforcer than my brother ever was. From now on, I will think of you as family. What is mine is also yours."
- "S'rashi is very busy, stranger. Unless you have business of a most critical nature, you must come back at another time. S'rashi offers deepest apologies."
- S'rashi secretly works for the former Eyes of the Queen agent Krin Ren-dro.