- For other uses, see Sadrith Mora.
Sadrith Mora is a city that appears in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind in Azura's Coast.
- Tel Naga
- Sadrith Mora Wayshrine
- Gateway Inn
- Council House
- Givyn Tower – Simple lock
- Nilvon's House – Simple lock
- Reram's House – Advanced lock
- Sun-in-Shadow's House
A Late Delivery[]
Deliver a late delivery to Sadrith Mora.
Bound by Love[]
Help the danmer free his love.
A Hireling of House Telvanni[]
Initial quest involving Sun-in-Shadow and Eoki.
Rising to Retainer[]
Follow-up quest to A Hireling of House Telvanni.
Objections and Obstacles[]
Follow-up quest to Rising to Retainer.
The Magister Makes a Move[]
Follow-up quest to Objections and Obstacles.
The Heart of a Telvanni[]
Follow-up quest to The Magister Makes a Move.
Notable items[]
- An "Invitation" to Discovery – Note inside Tel Naga
- Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Afternoon – Inside the Council House
- Page from Sun-in-Shadow's Journal – Sun-in-Shadow's House
- Letter to Eraven – Inside the Council House
- Magister Otheri's Research Journal – Tel Naga (Magister's Retreat)
- Nix-Hounds: A Manual for New Owners – Inside Tel Naga
- Ode to Ethandora – During quest
- Sun-in-Shadow's To Do List – Sun-in-Shadow's House
- Testimonials on Mushroom Towers – Near the Sadrith Mora Wayshrine
- The 36 Lessons, Sermon 7 – Upper floor of Gateway Inn
- The Truth in Sequence: Volume 1 – In the Adept's Hall, Tel Naga
- The Worth of Glass – In Gateway Inn
- Therana's Correspondence – During quest
- Adept Muvrulea
- Adept Sendet
- Adept Velanda
- Bertis Benethran
- Bralen Neloran
- Brelayne Dulo
- Eoki
- Eraven Onthim
- Felayn Uvaram
- Hamathaku
- House Guard
- Jotep Jasaiin
- Llonas Givyn
- Novice Feranos
- Overseer Llovyn
- Ralos Darothril
- Rinori Mathendis
- Rulnannariel
- Runik
- Ruxultav
- Sentry Nulwrila
- Shargduguk
- Short-Leash
- Silm-Kia
- Tilanos Gilaram
- Tiras Alvor
- Tulalurash
- Vaelin Oren
- Vedelea Tenim
- Labor Area (south of city)
- Arrunirai
- Eoki
- Indriian
- Kani-Meedish
- Overseer Mertisi
- Rulkath
- Veelisheeh
- Council Audience Hall
- Tel Naga
- Adept Tatennil
- Arowende (Magister's Retreat)
- Nelos Otheri (Magister's Retreat)
- Sedura Jaxilsu
- Serjo Dandril
- Sentry Athires
- Sumanirr
- Telare Relenim (Alchemist)
- Vaden Inlador (Enchanter)
Adept's Hall: (Tresspassing Area)
- Adept Banus
- Adept Delatha
- Adept Ureso
- Adept Talso
- Adept Tendren
- Wizard Jinrisa
- Gateway Inn
- Givayn Tower
- Mararanza
- Natalgreesh
- Sentry Relenia
- Sentry Shelethys
- Steward Bahluk
- Nilvon's House
- Sun-in-Shadow's House
- Dawnstar – a Pet Nix-Hound (Online) of Felayn Uvaram's
- Nixxie – Llonas Givyn's Nix-Hound (During Bound by Love)
- Sera Snappers (Nix-Hound) – in Adept's Hall, Tel Naga
- Skavenger
- Vvardvark
- Kagouti – inside city limits
- Ralasa Delvi – In Mouth Audience Chamber