Salty Meats is a repeatable prologue quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Vestige is asked by Jee-Lar to collect cured meats from the Rift as provisions for Cyrodilic Collections' expedition to Murkmire. The quest is available after completing the initial Murkmire prologue quest "The Cursed Skull" and can be repeated once a day.
Cyrodilic Collections' operation in Murkmire is growing, and more explorers mean more mouths to feed. With my help, Jee-Lar plans to send cured meats to Black Marsh.
- Gather Rift Mammoth Steaks (x10)
- Talk to Hervod
- Complete one:
- Choose to Pay for the Salt
- Choose to Drink with Hervod
- Drink the Mead
- Talk to Hervod
- Talk to Jee-Lar
Talk to Jee-Lar in Stormhold, Shadowfen, next to Nielsold's Steeds by the wayshrine to begin the quest. He will explain that Cyrodilic Collections needs provisions for the expedition to Murkmire and requests that they go the Rift where they can find mammoths to kill for their meat and also visit a Nord named Hervod to buy salt to cure the meat with.
What can I do to help? "Gathering food in Murkmire is a dangerous proposition, even for Argonians. To keep our explorers robust, we have to ship in hearty food—salted meat mostly. It does not rot so easily in the dampness of the swamp. Our supply is short, however."
- So you need another source of meat? "Just so. I made contact with a reputable salt-maker—a Nord named Hervod—who can meet our demand, but he's no butcher. He did mention that the mammoth are plentiful in the Rift this season. Perhaps you could travel there and collect both for us?"
- All right. I'll gather mammoth steaks and get some salt from Hervod.
After speaking to Jee-Lar, you need to head to the Rift to find and kill mammoths in any location in the region. Mammoths can be found in and around the Giant Camp, Mammoth Ridge, and Treva's Farm. Killing a mammoth will provide two to three steaks and, once you have collected ten, you can go to Hervod who is located at a camp on the river shore east of Treva's Farm. He will request that you either buy the sack of salt you need for 69 or drink with him to receive it for free.
"Hey there!" Come to salt some buy … er, buy some salt?"
- Yes. I need some salt. Jee-Lar told me you could help with that. "Oh, sure, I can sell you some salt … when I'm done with my break. Already cracked into this cask. Can't let it go to waste."
- When will your break be over? "Reckon I could finish this by tomorrow morning. You could come back then … but if you're in a hurry I suppose you could help me polish it off. Wouldn't mind the company. Gets duller than Reachman wit out here."
If you pay for the sack of salt, you will still earn more gold than you spent from completing the quest, even if you are level one. If you drink with Hervod, you will need to take a swig from the spare mug beside him. Once you drink, you will need to talk with him again at which point, he will ask you to tell a joke. Any joke you tell will satisfy him and he will give you the salt.
"Good stuff, eh? Goes down smooth and wallops like a raging mammoth! Hey … hey! Tell me a joke! I haven't heard a good joke in ages!"
- A joke? Let me think. "Don't go telling me any jokes that need thinking. It's not in the spirit of … the spirits. Hah!"
- All right. Have you heard the one about the horse? "A few—but they're all raunchier than an Argonian maid. Let's hear yours, eh?"
- A pony goes to a healer and says he's got a sore throat. "Yeah? So what's the healer say?"
- Don't worry—you're just a little horse. "A little—? Oh! Har! That's a good one! Well, looks like we've reached the dregs, so a deal's a deal. Here's your salt. Don't be a stranger, eh?"
- I will. So long.
- Don't worry—you're just a little horse. "A little—? Oh! Har! That's a good one! Well, looks like we've reached the dregs, so a deal's a deal. Here's your salt. Don't be a stranger, eh?"
- What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse? "I don't know. What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse?"
- A tale of WHOA! ""A tale of— Ha! Say, that's not bad! Well, a deal's a deal. Here's your salt. Don't fall off your horse on the way back to Jee-Lar, eh?"
- I will. So long.
- A tale of WHOA! ""A tale of— Ha! Say, that's not bad! Well, a deal's a deal. Here's your salt. Don't fall off your horse on the way back to Jee-Lar, eh?"
- What kind of bread does a horse eat? "I don't know. What kind of bread does a horse eat?"
- Thoroughbred. "Oh, by Orkey, that is terrible! Har! Let me get you that salt before you tell me another! Thanks for the company. Be sure to tell old Jee-Lar I said hello!"
- I will. So long.
- Thoroughbred. "Oh, by Orkey, that is terrible! Har! Let me get you that salt before you tell me another! Thanks for the company. Be sure to tell old Jee-Lar I said hello!"
- A pony goes to a healer and says he's got a sore throat. "Yeah? So what's the healer say?"
- Right. Have you heard the one about the Daedric Prince? "Daedric Prince? Bad luck, that. But I'm game! Go ahead!"
- Why should you avoid making Molag Bal mad? "I don't know."
- He always Coldharbours a grudge. ""Oof. I think that one could use some work, friend! Har! I'd help, but we've run dry. Best take your salt. Do yourself a favor and stick to the adventuring, eh?"
- I will. So long.
- He always Coldharbours a grudge. ""Oof. I think that one could use some work, friend! Har! I'd help, but we've run dry. Best take your salt. Do yourself a favor and stick to the adventuring, eh?"
- Why is Boethia such a good writer? "I don't know. Why is Boethia such a good writer?"
- She's the Prince of Plots. "Har! Oh, that's a real stinker, friend! I love it! I guess you'll be wanting your salt now. Ah well—a deal's a deal. You take care out there, all right?"
- I will. So long.
- She's the Prince of Plots. "Har! Oh, that's a real stinker, friend! I love it! I guess you'll be wanting your salt now. Ah well—a deal's a deal. You take care out there, all right?"
- How many tickles does it take to make Hermaeus Mora laugh? "I don't know. How many tickles does it take to make Hermaeus Mora laugh?"
- Tentacles. "Tentacles? Oh. Har! That's good! I mean … it's bad, but you know what I mean! Here's your salt. You take care now. Tentacles … ha!"
- I will. So long.
- Tentacles. "Tentacles? Oh. Har! That's good! I mean … it's bad, but you know what I mean! Here's your salt. You take care now. Tentacles … ha!"
- Why should you avoid making Molag Bal mad? "I don't know."
- Fine. Have you heard the one about the craftsperson? "A trade joke? Ha—this I've got to hear. Go ahead."
- When should you avoid a blacksmith? "I don't know. When should I avoid a blacksmith?"
- When she's lost her temper. "Ugh! That is a groaner! Think I'll use that the next time I'm in town. Might be soon, I'm out of mead! Hah! Here's your salt. Take care out there, friend!"
- I will. So long.
- When she's lost her temper. "Ugh! That is a groaner! Think I'll use that the next time I'm in town. Might be soon, I'm out of mead! Hah! Here's your salt. Take care out there, friend!"
- Why did the fool throw his dagger away? "I don't know. Why did the fool throw his dagger away?"
- Because an enchanter had runed it. "Har! By Orkey, that is a stinker. Good thing I love stinkers! Here's your salt. You take care out there, all right?"
- I will. So long.
- Because an enchanter had runed it. "Har! By Orkey, that is a stinker. Good thing I love stinkers! Here's your salt. You take care out there, all right?"
- Why did the Orc decide not to be a tailor? "I don't know. Why did the Orc decide not to be a tailor?"
- He wasn't suited for the job. "Oof! Har! I think I've heard worse, but I'm not so sure! I won't pester you for another. I don't think I could take it! Here's your salt. Take care, friend!"
- I will. So long.
- He wasn't suited for the job. "Oof! Har! I think I've heard worse, but I'm not so sure! I won't pester you for another. I don't think I could take it! Here's your salt. Take care, friend!"
- When should you avoid a blacksmith? "I don't know. When should I avoid a blacksmith?"
- All right. Have you heard the one about the horse? "A few—but they're all raunchier than an Argonian maid. Let's hear yours, eh?"
Once you have the sack of salt, you can return to Jee-Lar in Shadowfen to complete the quest. Another Cyrodilic Collections quest will become available the next time the daily server clock resets.
"You return! Was your task a success?"
- Yes, I brought your meat and salt. "Oh, my. I think we may need to acquire bigger barrels…. But you've brough enough for one day! I hope this is adequate compensation."
- Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense
- 73–302
- 508–7,485
Salty Meats |
Journal Entry |
I must stalk the hills and forests of The Rift to find mammoth meat for Jee-Lar.
I gathered the meat Jee-Lar requested. I should meet with the salt-maker, Hervod, to acquire some curing salt.
Hervod invited me to drink with him. I can either grease his palm for the salt so I can be on my way, or accept his hospitality and stay for a drink.
I agreed to drink with Hervod. I should grab his spare mug and help myself to his mead. (only appears if the Vestige chose to drink the mead)
I caught up to Hervod's level of inebriation. I should talk to him. (only appears if the Vestige chose to drink the mead)
I gathered both the meat and the salt that Jee-Lar requested. I should deliver these items to him so I can collect my reward.
- Completing 1, 10, and 30 repeatable quests for Cyrodilic Collections will grant the Cyrodilic Collections Associate, Agent, and Champion achievements, respectively.