- "Sandblown? Ah, now I recall it—the player-out copper mine south of Kozanset. That pit hasn't been worked since the reign of King Ramzi."
- ―Loading screen
Sandblown Mine is a mine that appears in Alik'r Desert in The Elder Scrolls Online.
The Real Snake[]
Notable items[]
- Skyshard – To the northeast
- Letter to Mirudda – Inside, just past the entrance
- Letter to Fadeel – Southeast of the central northern cave, quest starting
- Letter from Mirudda – North of the southwestern chamber
- Mirudda
- Huzal
- Bandit Cutthroat
- Bandit Pyromancer
- Bandit Savage
- Bandit Ranger
- Spider
- Young Spider
- Fadeel can mark this location on your map.