Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Sanessalmo is an Altmer mage and a former member of Queen Ayrenn's entourage in The Elder Scrolls Online.


Depths of Madness[]

Sanessalmo was expelled by his peers after he started dabbling in mind-controlling experiments. He came back for revenge, kidnapping and bringing them to Glister Vale in Auridon.


Depths of Madness[]

"Clever. Very clever. Poor woman. Even taken beyond these walls, no accountant is ever freed from her greed. I am Sanessalmo. Welcome to my laboratory."

Where are the other members of the Queen's entourage? "Oh, I'm testing them. Much like I did to Lanitaale. Each now resides in a small world of their own making. I'm fascinated by emotion, the power it holds. I'm afraid to say, but ... they're not doing very well."
Let me free them. Let me participate in your tests. "Oh! What a splendid idea. External stimulus in the mix. Here, I'll open portals to their little worlds. Succeed or fail, this should be simply fascinating."


Depths of Madness[]

  • "An accountant's greed is rarely distracted. Come, speak with me." –Spoken by Projection of Sanessalmo after Lanitaale is saved.

Minantille's Rage[]

  • "How can one live with nothing but rage?"
  • "Minantille was a great general once. Stripped of her command."
  • "Minantille's men suffered in death. She suffers in life."
  • "What is a general without war?"
  • "Do all soldiers dream of death?"
  • "A disgraced general overcomes her anger? How very uplifting." –After Minantille is freed.

Merion's Bliss[]

  • "The picture of true love, those two."
  • "It's so easy to make Merion happy. For a time."
  • "Merion's passions control him."
  • ""He loves alchemy. Everyone mixes well with him."
  • "If Merion dies here, he dies happy. You'd deny him that?"
  • "Merion finally finds love. As a slave."
  • "Don't ruin such an innocent love."
  • "True love denied? How interesting. How cruel." –After de-spelling the Malevolent Spirit.

Nuulehtel's Despair[]

  • "Nuulehtel, the Queen's herald. The most knowledgeable man in the Aldmeri court."
  • "Knowing secrets is like slowly freezing to death. Painful. Numbing."
  • "Nuulehtel announced my expulsion from the Queen's inner circle."
  • "He suffers. His mind sits on the razor's edge."
  • "Amazing, isn't it? The Queen chose a herald who can barely stand speaking to others."
  • "He fears others, yet you forced him from seclusion. How kind." –After Nuulehtel is freed.

Sanessalmo's Lair[]

  • "Thank you for your help but, sadly, you're no longer useful to me. Prepare for death!"



  • During the battle, they will summon a Bloodfiend Reaver.

