Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Sanguine Rose.

The Sanguine Rose is a magic staff in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that resembles an off-scale flower adorned with thorns.


Sanguine Rose is a Daedric artifact of Lord Sanguine, received after completing the quest "A Night to Remember," which requires a level of fourteen or above.


The Rose summons a leveled Dremora to fight for the wielder for sixty seconds. Killing the Dremora that is summoned will not relinquish a Daedra Heart, nor can it be Soul Trapped.

Followers can wield and employ the Sanguine Rose. Unlike in Oblivion, the Dremora always fights for the Dragonborn. There is a chance it will only summon a leveled Daedra. Contrary to popular belief, this staff may not be ideal for characters based on Conjuration, even though it is a conjuration based staff.

If the staff is used while inside Azura's Star, the summoned Dremora may be a mage instead of a warrior. If this alternative Dremora dies in battle in the Star, and is brought back using the Dead Thrall spell, it can follow the Dragonborn outside and will remain at their side until death, as with any other permanently summoned dead thrall.

Attributes of summon[]

Type Level Health-icon Two-Handed Block Heavy Armor
Dremora Caitiff 12 170 39 31 31
Dremora Kynval 19 247 55 41 41
Dremora Kynreeve 27 335 72 53 53
Dremora Markynaz 36 434 83 65 65
Dremora Valkynaz 46 544 100 84 84


  • Summoning a Dremora and using skills on it can be used to level up.
  • Occasionally, the summoned Dremora drops a Daedric Greatsword of Scorching as the Dremora is killed or expires.
  • Summoning a Dremora and then using the Wabbajack to change it into a rabbit, and then killing the rabbit may render a Daedra Heart.
  • Does not always summon a Dremora in the Soul Cairn, but consumes one charge per attempt.
  • The holding style of Sanguine's Rose is different to that of other staves. The Dragonborn holds the staff much higher up on the handle.
  • The staff appears diagonally slanted like other staves in the player's inventory in the Skyrim Special Edition.


This section contains bugs related to Sanguine Rose (Skyrim). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  •  PS3   With the addition of Hearthfire, when the Dragonborn builds Lakeview Manor in Falkreath, if the staff is left in a chest or weapon rack in the home, it will show that the staff is lying on the floor in front of the fireplace in the main hall, and not where the player left it. The staff is not able to be picked up when this happens. The fix is simple, however: just leave the house and come back inside, and it will be where it belongs.
  •  PS3   Occasionally, if the staff is used to summon a Dremora while fighting hold guards, then the summoner leaves the area, upon returning the Dremora will have killed every human and animal in sight, and will then proceed to attack the summoner.
  •  360   PS3   When left in a chest (such as in a home) for long periods of time, it is possible that it will no longer summon a Dremora. The sound effects can be heard but no Dremora will be summoned in the process.
  • Having the perk "Elemental Potency" may cause the staff to malfunction.
  •  360   If a death animation displays while killing a conjured Dremora, it will remain headless the next time it is summoned.
  • Unlocking the "Twin Souls" Conjuration perk may cause no Dremora to be summoned at all.
  •  360   The Sanguine Rose will occasionally stay equipped when the Dragonborn enters werewolf form.
  •  360   If the weapon is obtained at a relatively early enchantment level, it will only summon a Dremora Kynreeve. As enchantment levels increase, the strength of the Dremora may not until the Dremora Markynaz is summoned at higher levels, skipping the mid-level summonings altogether.
  • The Sanguine Rose may fall off weapon plaques in Proudspire Manor when entering the house.
  •  360   The Sanguine Rose may not appear when placed in a display case in Hjerim, but it disappears from the Dragonborn's inventory.
  •  PC   The Sanguine Rose can be affected by the spell absorption versus conjuration bug, with a high level of spell absorption summoning with the staff may fail and the energy will be absorbed by the Dragonborn, just as if the Dragonborn had used a conjuration spell.
  • On occasion, followers will turn hostile on the summoned Dremora and engage in combat.

