Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Scout Snowhunter is a Nord found at the Hidden Tunnel to Skuldafn, west of Mzulft, in the region of Eastmarch.


Sneak Peak[]

After being sent by General Yeveth Noramil, meet Scout Snowhunter at the Hidden Tunnel east of Mzulft.

Snow and Flame[]

Scout Snowhunter will brief you on the situation of Fildgor Orcthane, and assign you to meet Thane Mera Stormcloak in Skuldafn at the other side of the tunnel.



Show: Sneak Peak

"You came from Jorunn's Stand. Did the general send you?"

General Noramil sent me.
"Excellent! We're holding things down as best as we can here, but we need to move quickly. I fear the usurper is close to achieving his goal."

Show: Snow and Flame

"I'm glad you're here. We were worried we'd miss our opportunity. The other scouts report that Fildgor's flank is undefended."

How do we use that to our advantage?
"Go talk to Thane Mera. She led a small team through this pass and into Skuldafn. We need to find a way to get the rest of the soldiers through the pass without drawing the attention of the Stormfists."
I'll meet up with Thane Mera.



  • He is a reference to Odahviing, a dragon in Skyrim who's name translated to "Winged Snow Hunter", who also took the player to Skuldafn.

